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Stefan's POV
I made it to the grill and saw Caroline I went over to her and she explained everything then Emma walked in she scanned the place before she saw me and did a weak wave I hope this goes well....
Emma's POV
I gave a small wave to Stefan before Alaric took me over to a table "I'll be with Stefan if you need anything you know how to tell Stefan" "jut whisper I know dad" he kissed my head before walking near Stefan I girl walked into the grill and made the way to my table I held my breathe here we go my phone vibrated it was Stefan
S-if you need me I will be there faster than she can blink
I laughed
E-thx Stefan
I put my phone in my pocket and she sat down "you must be Emma?" "Yea" "I'm Isobel you mom" "Jenna's my mom" I said quietly "well I finally get to see you" I nodded looking down "so how old are you?" "13 gonna be 14 soon" "so hows your little Salvatore friends?" My head snapped up I looked over at Stefan and he looked like he was about to be over here "tell him don't or it's gonna end bad" I whispered "no Stefan stay there" "much better" "did you hear me?" I asked looking at her "yea see I'm a vampire to but you are human so one feed from you and boom bye bye Emma" "what do you want with me?" I asked "simple Klaus wants you and I have to take you to him" "who's Klaus?" "He's a original hybrid and he wants you" "why me I'm just normal" "not exactly you have vampire in you not enough to do anything but you do have some and if you so called dad over there Alaric is it? If he don't hand you over? That's it for the Salvatore's and you" then she stood up and left I was shocked Stefan was beside me in a heartbeat "are you ok?" I shook my head no before hugging him he rubbed my back and for the first time in a while I broke down in front of him I dropped the tough act I played around him and cried he picked me up and wrapped his hands under my butt (not in a weird way) securing me so I don't fall I held him close and cried into his neck after a second I was still crying but I felt a hand rub my back I didn't pay attention I stayed with Stefan "what all did you hear?" My dads voice "everything" Stefan answered "we need to keep her safe no school for a while and if she wants to see any friends it has to be at our house or yours" Stefan said "how do we keep her out of school?" "Damon" Stefan said I still held him tight and cried "let's take her to my house she can stay with me for a few days because I know you your gonna try to find out more about her and Klaus and I can stay with her while you and Damon find our stuff" so I get to stay with Stefan? Yay I feel safe with him now I held him closer and he rubbed my back with one hand "ok you take her there I'll explain everything to Jenna and Jeremy and Elena I'll have Jeremy bring her a bag of clothes" "ok I'll take her there let her calm down and until he brings the clothes she can borrow one of my shirts" then we left we got to Stefan's car and he put me inside and helped me buckle then he looked at me and wiped away the tears "I'll always be here for you" I nodded and he got in and we left we got to his house and he came to my side he helped me out then gave me a piggyback ride inside we got there and Damon was on the couch drinking "why is Emma here?" "Alaric will tell you go to his house" in a quick motion Damon was gone Stefan carried me to his room and gave me one of his shirts "the bathroom is right there you can shower and I'll be downstairs I'll make supper" "thanks" I said quietly he left and I went and took a shower I got out and got dressed I put the jeans back on but put his shirt on it was kinda big on me I brushed my hair and braided it before going down to the kitchen I saw Stefan cooking I went over and sat on a chair at the island "anything I can do to help?" "Uh if you want you can help me cut the garlic" I laughed and got out of the chair I went over to him and he handed me a knife "I thought vampires can't have garlic?" "That a myth" "oh I always believed that" he laughed "so did Elena until Damon told her" "do you still love her?" I asked looking up at him he looked at me and had a hint of sadness in his eyes "honestly? I do but she's in love with Damon I don't want this to be like Katherine and lose my brother over a girl" I nodded "I'm sorry" "hey it's not your fault" "I know but I know how much you loved her" he smiled and changed the subject "wanna listen to some music?" I smiled "sure" he played Demi Lovato Sorry Not Sorry I smiled "I love this song" "so I figured" I laughed and sang quietly to myself while cutting the garlic when I was done I washed my hands and gave it to him he put it into the pan and fried it "what are you making?" "Fettuccini Alfredo" "nice" I said smiling "anything else I can do?" "No you can go watch tv if you want I'll call you when it's done" "ok" and I walked and went to the couch
Alaric's POV (from when he got home)
I got home and Damon was there I got the kids and Jenna and told them everything after that I asked Jeremy to pack a bag for her "why do I have to?" "Because I said now go" he didn't move "you have 2 seconds to make your way up those stairs before I make you" he still didn't move I got ahold of his arm and pulled him up to his room "stay here" I did and he sat down I went back down to Elena "I can pack the bag I'm her sister anyway she's gonna wanna see me" I nodded and went to my office getting the brush I went back upstairs with Elena and she went to Emma's room I went to Jeremy's and closed the door and went over to him "your getting a warm up of 15 then 10 with the brush" he nodded and I bent him over my lap and pulled down his pants I started
Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack
He wasn't crying just whimpering "I'm starting the brush" he nodded and I laid down the first hit
Smack he jumped a little hissing I did it again
Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack when I was finished I put the brush beside me and sat him up "I'm sorry" he said I hugged him "it's fine" he wanted to go to bed so I left and turned out the light
Elena's POV from going upstairs
I went to Emma's room and to her closet I got out a duffel bag and put her in some sweats jeans shirts and a hoodie I also put her in some underclothes and her favorite necklace her phone charger and a pair of shoes I zipped it up and went downstairs grabbing my car keys "I'm going to take this to Emma" "ok be careful" Jenna said back and I left I drove until I got there I turned off the car and grabbed the bag and went up to the door I knocked and a few seconds later Stefan answered "hey um I have Emma's stuff" he moved and let me go in I saw her watching tv on the couch and he went to the kitchen I went over to her "hey" "oh hey" "I have you clothes" "oh thanks" I gave her the bag and sat down beside her "are you scared?" "Yeah" she said quietly "I won't let anything happen to you and I know Stefan won't or Damon" "thanks" I hugged her and then went to the kitchen "do you think Isobel is gonna try to get her?" "Yeah I do but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna keep her safe" he said looking at me I smiled "you protect her like she's your world Stefan" "she is I would do anything for her" I smiled "yeah" he smiled and I said bye to him and her and left
Emma's POV
Elena just left and the food is ready I went to the kitchen and Stefan had the food on the island I sat down and he sat beside me and gave me some I thanked him and we ate it was so good when we were done we went to the front room to watch some tv "when can I go back to school?" "I don't know we have to be sure your safe first but until then you get to stay with me" I smiled "good" he laughed we watched tv until I started to fall asleep I felt him pick me up and carry me then I felt him laying me on a bed "good night Emma" "night Stefan" I whispered and he turned out the light and left and I fell into a deep sleep
2 hours later
I was in the park how did I get here? I looked beside me and Isobel was there then on the other side was a guy "I got her Klaus" "good now bring them out" I looked and they had Stefan and Damon chained up and vervain on them "Stefan!" I yelled but no words came out I put my hand to my throat then Isobel spoke "tell me where Emma is" does she not no I'm here? "Never!" Stefan said but they stuck a wooden stake through his stomach I bit my lip from screaming so she didn't see me "I will" Damon said Stefan looked at him "Damon don't" "yes I wanna be free" "Damon don't you know how I feel about her" "what you love her? It's never gonna happen" he loves me? I stood up and walked out towards them and Stefan looked at me "I can't believe you Damon you would sell me out" "hey I want my freedom" "let him go" Klaus said and Damon was free I ran over to Stefan "are you ok?" I removed the stake "yea I'm fine" "not for long" I got pushed back and Klaus held a stake to his heart "no please don't" "any last words?" "I love you Emma" was the last thing I heard before the stake got pushed through "NO STEFAN!!!" I started crying the next thing I know I here a door slam open "Emma Emma wake up" I opened my eyes and Stefan was there and I kept crying "Stefan! I thought Klaus killed you" "hey shh it was just a dream" I jumped into his arms holding him close and hugging him "wanna tell me about it?" He asked after I calmed down he was now laying beside me with the light still on and he was on him side and I was on mine both facing each other "well I woke up in the park and Isobel and Klaus were there and then they had you and Damon on vervain ropes and they didn't know I was there so they asked where I was and Damon sold me out and they killed you" he touched my hand "it's fine now get some rest I'll stay here" I laid down and closed my eyes when he wrapped his arms around me and I fell back asleep feeling safe

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