Live Event and Party

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You wake up after your phone starts ringing, and you try to get enough energy to pick up the phone. You try to act like you didn't wake up just from your phone ringing.

You: Hello...

You failed miserably

Phone: Shift, is that you? It's 10:30 am, and you're just waking up? Cmon now...

You: Sorry, mom... I mean, who is this

Alexa: It's Alexa; silly Finn gave me your number a while ago.

You hear laughing on the phone, and you start to smile.

You: Well, Miss. Bliss, may you tell Finn to stop giving my number to attractive girls.

You and Alexa laughed and kept talking until Alexa was about to end the call.

Alexa: Shift. I'm sorry, but Nia is waiting for me to go with her to the mall. See you at the live event later?

You: Hell yeah, cya Alexa.

She ends the call, and you lay back down on your bed. You had planned out the whole day with Alexa, and now you want to stay in bed the entire day until it's time for work. You started to fall back asleep until you heard a knock on the door. You put a robe on and walk to the door, and you open it and see Finn with Becky next to him.

Finn: You are just waking up, huh? I get it. Japan and the states have a different time zone, and I think you'll get used to it.

Becky: Well, we just wanted to ask you if you were going to the RAW after party right after the live event show we have. I swear that Finn did tell me you were not a party person, but everyone will be there.

You: Well, Finn was right. I'm not a party person, especially what happened last time in Japan. 

I'll probably pass and get ready for the trip tomorrow to Dallas.

Finn: Come on, that was years ago. Besides the new company, new memories. It would be best if you talked to more of the superstars anyways, and I heard Bo Dallas is a funny guy.

You: Yeah, just because one half of the B Team will be at a party doesn't mean I'll go; hell, I wouldn't even go in there was free booze.

Finn: Fine, you win, you introvert asshole. If you change your mind, show up as we said, and everyone will be there.

Finn and Becky walk down the hallway, and Finn puts his hand on Becky's butt, and you notice

You: Finn, no touching!

Becky laughs, and Finn gives you a middle finger while smiling, and you chuckle a bit. You close the door and change into your outside clothes. You planned to go to the mall by yourself until you saw Seth, Dean, and Roman down the hall.

Seth: Look who came out of his room, Mr. New Japan.

Roman: This may be the first time we met, but an excellent first match in the company will help you along the road, and your match was terrific.

Dean stays quiet, which is expected since this is Dean's first time meeting you in person. You were about to start a conversation with Dean until he began to speak.

Dean: I would be happy to face you one on one in a great match one day...

You guys start talking until you four get to the hotel parking lot. You and the three split up, and you drove by yourself to the mall. You walk in, putting a hood over your head, hoping not to be seen by fans. You looked for clothes, but you couldn't find anything you liked, and then you realized that you didn't know what type of party it would be. You decide to call Finn to ask him questions about the party.

Finn: Talk to me, buddy...

You: I need some help picking out clothes for the party well first I kneed to know what type of party it would be, what color cloth-

Finn: Wait, you're going to the party!? Finally, I thought I would need to kidnap you from the arena to the party.

You hear Becky in the background talking to Finn excitingly and Finn answering her back.

Finn: It's just a party. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable, alright, buddy?

You: Alright.. thanks, pal cya at the arena.

You end the call, buy new clothes, and head back to your car. You turn your car back on and drive to the arena, still not knowing who you're fighting. You got to the arena and parked your car. You walked by the fans waiting outside, and they started chanting your name.

Fans: Let's go Nightshift! Let's go Nightshift!

You watched the crowd until you felt a hug behind you, and you turned around to see Alexa hugging you. You rub her head while you keep looking at your fans cheering.

Fans: Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss!

You walk into the arena with Alexa while the crowd cheers because of Dolph and Drew arriving. You found out you were fighting Drew in the main event of the event.

End Of The Match

The referee was on the floor since you hit him with a superkick when Drew dodged it. Dolph and Drew land their team finisher, and Drew pins you while the ref counts.

Ref: 1.....2.....

You kick out, and the crowd yells "sweet" after the two, and Drew yells at the ref. Drew tries to pick him up, and you trip him down and put him in your submission move "Paralysis" (Knee to the back crossface). Drew taps out, and the crowd cheers. Drew rolls out and walks with Dolph, and you standstill in the middle of the ring.


You change your clothes into your party clothes (A black leather jacket, black jeans, a white undershirt, and black shoes). You walk to the parking lot with Finn and Becky until you see Alexa waiting outside dressed up for the party.

Finn: Oi Alexa!

Finn yells at Alexa to get her attention, and Alexa looks at Finn, Becky, and you and walks over to you three.

Alexa: Finn, what do you need? Wait... Shift, why are you dressed up? Do you have a date with someone?

Finn and Becky laugh

You: No, Alexa, I'm going to the party later. I changed my mind about the party, and I decided to go.

A smile grows on Alexa's face, and he hugs you while Finn and Becky are saying "Aww" when looking at you two.

Alexa: Well, I'm glad you're going since Nia was supposed to take me, but she got sick and couldn't make it.

Finn: Shift could take you. If you love birds, you can make it to the party and not your hotel 


Becky: Finn! Nice one

Finn and Becky kiss each other while you and Alexa walk to your car. You open the door for her, and Alexa gets in. You close the door, get in the driver's seat, and start the car.

Alexa: Thanks for taking me. It's nice having you as a friend... well, I mean, we're not only friends... I me-

You: I get it, Alexa, you like me, and I really.... like you...

Alexa blushes, and you drive to the party. You two talked during the whole car ride, and once you got there, you guys walked out of the car and walked into the building. Many RAW superstars like Dolph, Drew, Ronda, Natalya, Matt and Bray, Finn and Becky, some cruiserweights, and other superstars were there. Later in the night, almost everyone was drunk and dancing. You were sitting down watching everyone dancing while drinking some beer with Finn. Finn stumbles away with a sober Becky, and you see their car drive away. You start to stand up and walk to the dance floor.

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