Nightshift was once a wrestler in NJPW and has a background of MMA being an x-member of the Bullet Club, but now he is signed with WWE and might have his Goddess. Will Nightshift finally meet the right girl, will he be successful in WWE, will friend...
You beat Baron Corbin and you jump on the second rope to celebrate your win in the main event of RAW. While celebrating, someone low blows you and you fall off the rope and you see Aleister standing over you with a chair. He starts hitting you which the chair and puts your arm in the chair and starts stomping the chair and you start screaming in pain. He stops and lifts you up with his foot and lands a Black Mass on you and you fall down holding your arm. The show ends with Aleister sitting down next to you while you shake in pain. You walk up the ramp holding your arm and once you got to the backstage you changed your clothes. You see Finn walking around happy because he won the IC title from Seth after Seth had an open challenge match.
You: Well looky here, we have a new champion!
Finn: You know it Bay-Bay!! Great match and rivalry with Alester! The best go-home show I've seen in a while for a match.
You: Thanks but you won a title after 2 years from your last one!
You and Finn hug each other and starts celebrating with Finn's win. Then everyone in the male locker room starts celebrating, even Seth.
3 Hours later
You pull your head out of the sheets and Alexa does the same and lays down on your chest. You try to catch your breath and you get relaxed on the bed.
Alexa: Big win means big action in the bed
You: Man I used more energy on you then Corbin...
You and Alexa fall asleep and you start to dream about your Hell In a Cell match with Aleister. You do get shivers thinking about it, many superstars leave Hell In a Cell beaten, bruised, and possibly injured. Then you remembered, you did that stuff all the time in Japan so you calm down. After sleeping for an hour or two you got a call and you looked at the phone number... Its Nick's number. You answer it with an excited Nick on the other side of the call.
You: Hello...
You: Yeah... He won the IC title and we celebrated with him.
Nick: We are all celebrating and why do you sound so tired? What time is it?
You: 11:30 pm
Nick: Oh shit sorry man I didn't mean to call you so late I didn't know... you know our time is different.
You: Its ok bro I know you didn't mean to call. I'll call you back when its morning for us. Love you guys
Nick: All right and you know we love you guys!
You end the call and fall back asleep
The day before Hell In a Cell
You look at the red cell you get shivers just by the shade of red it is. Legends like Randy Orton, The Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Micheals, John Cena, and others have had matches in the cell. You get inside the cell and look around. You turn around and you see Kathy Kelly walking up to you with a cameraman.
Kathy: Hey Shift can we get an interview with you if you're not busy right now?
You: Yeah I'm open of an interview just ask the questions and I'll try to answer them with good answers.
Kathy: The question is "How do you feel about walking into this cell for the first time and actually competing in it?"
You: When you see the cell on t.v, it looks small but in reality its something different than seeing it on tv. Knowing that you are fighting in the stipulation that legends have fought in just gives me chills throughout my body. Um... Just seeing people being thrown off the cell through an announcers table just gives you chills. I never thought that I would be here fighting inside this cell and hopefully, I can give the audience a great time.
You and Kathy finish the interview and keep talking for a while then she needed to go out and you needed to see your outfit. You walked into the back and see your clothes and it looks nice.
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You hear footsteps behind you and you turn around to see... Vince and Triple H?
Vince: I knew he would be in here looking at his clothes for tomorrow.
Triple H: Hey Shift, Vince and I need to talk to you about your match tomorrow. We just need some comments from you for the match and permission to do one angle in the match.
You: Sure I'm free to talk, should we go to your office to talk or should we talk here?
Vince: let us go to Hunter's office to talk about this and we also need some papers signed from you for the match.
You walk down to Hunter's office and you three talk to each other about the match and you sign some papers for the match. You walk around the back and then you get hugged from the back by a blonde. You turn around just to be shocked to see Liv Morgan hugging you and smiling. You pull her from your back so you can look at her.
Liv: Shifty!
You: Shifty? Liv what are you doing?
Liv: Well I know you kind of have a crush on blondes so I'm here!
You: But I'm kind of taken right now...
Liv: By Alexa? Pff shes nothing compared to me, besides I can make you happy anytime...
Liv gets closer and you back away quickly
You: Liv, I'm flattered, but I'm happy with Alexa right now. However, I am sure you will find the right person.
Liv: Come on big boy... Heres my number if you change my mind and you want a real girl....
Liv gives you a piece of paper with your number on it and starts to walk away laughing, leaving you alone with her number. You fold the paper and put it in your pocket and start to lift some equipment, so time goes faster waiting for Alexa to be done with her business so you two can go home. You keep lifting until you see Finn walking with Becky and Alexa laughing.
Finn: Speaking of the devil, there he is. Shift where have you been, we were waiting for you since Seth and I had to do a pre-recorded promo for tomorrow.
You: I was just looking at my gear for tomorrow and Vince and Hunter needed to see for some stuff for tomorrow.
Becky: Well it looks like you're done with work so Finn and I here heading out to a bar to grab a drink and explore the city.
You: Well Texas is a big place.... but yeah let's go out and explore!
Alexa: Double date!
You four leave the arena and walk around Dallas sightseeing. You guys find a bar and you guys walk in after waiting 15 minutes in line. You guys get some drinks, but you guys try to stop yourselves from drinking too much. You guys head back to your hotel rooms and go to sleep and get ready for Hell In a Cell.