Double Knot

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You walked into the mall with Finn on the day before TLC. You two walked over to the food court and ordered some burgers and fries. When you sat down to start eating, Finn pulled out a small box from his pocket and opened it, revealing a ring.

You: Oh my God! Yes!

Finn: No you twat, thats for Becky!

You: You're going to propose to Bec-

Finn: Yes, on New Year's day, at Hunter's party.

You: You got invited too? Wait, yours to going propose there! I was going to propose at Hunter's party as well!

Finn: Shit... I already bought the ring and told Becky something important would be happening there.

You: Whoever proposes first might get overshadowed by the second... and we don't want that to happen. But I love Alexa to much to let her go!

Finn: Why don't we propose at the same time then? No one would get overshadowed then!

You: That could actually work... We could propose before the new year starts and have the New Years kiss when it hits January 1st!

Finn: I like that idea! It could work! And then we could share the same wedding!

You: Finn, you know I love you! Our friendship is unbreakable! But no.

Finn: Ill convince you one day!

You: Over my dead body...

Finn to a sip of his soda and you started to think.

You: Matt, Nick, Page, and Cody are heading to Japan for to Wrestle Kingdom 13 so they cant be a part of it

Finn: Hunter is making a party and he's renting out a club for everyone. We could just tell him and maybe he could help us set it up.

You: We could ask him tomorrow backstage before our match tomorrow.

Finn: I really can't wait until tomorrow to beat your ass and win that title. I finally can win a title and become the best superstar in the WWE!

You: Calm down its not the Universal Championship. Besides, this really is the top title in the WWE...

You and Finn keep eating while you think about proposing to Alexa. You want to be able to meet her parents and you want her to meet your parents. You started to get scared if Alexa would reject you and you would feel like a fool for it. But the biggest thing that was in your mind was your TLC match with Finn.


You hugged Alexa while she was sniffling but you stayed careful because you had body paint on you... Alexa lost her title against Becky before your match.

Alexa: I have something to tell you after your match... I hope nothing bad happens because of this...

You: Alexa what's wrong? Why can't you tell me now? I have time.

Finn's theme was playing and he went out in his demon outfit. The crowd was cheering because the most popular match of the night was about to start. Officials found you and told you that you were needed at Gorilla Position. You have Alexa a kiss, grabbed your coat and you walked to the Gorilla position. You jumped around and you started to breathe calmly. Your body had adrenalin running through your body and your theme started to play. You walked behind a wall of fire and you just stared at the fire. Then the firewall lowered down you walked down the to the ring. You jumped on the apron and jumped over the top rope. You took off your hood and faced the camera with your red and blue contacts. You took off your coat and threw it outside the ring. You looked at Finn and then up at your championship, being held by a hook on some rope. The ring was surrounded by chairs, ladders, and tables that you two could use against each other.

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