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You turn to see Marty patting your shoulder with Nick recording you with Matt watching in the background.

You: M-M-Marty?

Marty: Look who we have here, a WWE stooge!

You: Marty I'm not a stooge! Please let me go home!

Marty grabs your fingers and he starts laughing evilly while you fall on your knees screaming. Matt almost starts to laugh while Nick gets near you two still recording.

Marty: SHHH!

Marty snaps your fingers and you collapse and you play dead while Marty and Matt start to yell random things at you.

Marty: STOOGE!

Matt: Wait, Marty, I think you killed him. It looks like he's not moving.

Marty: No way Matt he's fine. Oi Shift wake up!

You don't respond, you just lay down not breathing.

Marty: Matt, Nick we need to go, now.

Marty and Matt start to run away while Nick zooms in at your "lifeless" face. Nick stops recording and you stand up.

Nick: It's a wrap guys! Marty, Matt you two can come back now!

Marty and Matt walk back too you two and you start to hug each three of the guys. You missed them ever since you left Japan.

Marty: How WWE mate? We've been watching your matches and you look amazing in them.

Nick: Yeah, your amazing at any match. Hell In a Cell, No Dq, hell probably a bikini match.

You: I don't know about the last one but you guys are doing well without me. I mean Cody wins the NJPW US title, Marty you beat Will,  you and Matt are one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling, and Hangman is just a great guy.

Matt: Well you did need a ride to your place, so do you still need a lift?

You: Yeah I still need a ride.

You and the 3 guys walk into Nick's car and you 4 drive to your house. You see 2 other cars parked in front of your driveway gate, Cody and Kenny. You see Kenny on his phone and Cody listening to his car radio. The car stops next to Cody's car and you open the window.

You: Cody! Buddy!

Cody looks at the window and he smiles and waves at you. Kenny gets out of his car and starts talking to Matt. You leave the car and Cody runs out his car and you two lock in a hug for minutes.

Cody: Max its so nice to see you! We missed you, buddy!

You: Cody I missed all you guys too. It's nice seeing you without blonde bleach hair.

You and Cody unlock your guy's hug and Kenny walks to you and you look at Kenny. You open your arms and Kenny hugs you.

You: Looks like Mr. Best Bout Machine is hugging me. Hows it been Kenny?

Kenny: It's been great, the schedule is still hard like always. Barely have time to play games, unlike someone here.

You: You know I'm out? Who told you?

Kenny: Finn told all of us, and now we have a mini break so... we decided to help you move some stuff into your house.

You: Guys you don't need to do this. I could lift some stuff by myself. I need to grow some muscles anyways.

Matt: No way man you got too much stuff, just open up the gate and we can put our cars in the driveway.

You grab your house remote, you press the open button, and the gate doors open. The guys drive their cars in the driveway and you run to the door. You close the gate door, run to the door, and you open the door letting the guys in.

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