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You and Alexa get out of your car in front of the Performance center and walk in. You see current and former NXT stars talking to each other. Payton Royce and Billie Kay are playing pranks, The four horsewomen are talking to each other, Shinsuke and Finn and drinking together, and more superstars are talking to each other. Alexa walks over to Nia and the rest of the RAW girls leaving you to walk around. You walk around until you find a door unlocked leading to a room with a ring. You walk over to a wall that has all the championships in WWE from the US title to the Universal championship.

You: Huh...

?: Looks like your interested in a title!

You turn around to see Triple H walking over to you. You guys shake hands and you look around the room.

Triple H: This was a room we're trying to renovate that ring over there was from the 1st match of NXT. Christian and Heath Slater vs Carlito and Michael Tarver

You: Huh... 8 years ago... I was still in college...

You look t the old NXT title and you put your hand on it.

Triple H: The 1st NXT title in history... Seth Rollins won that title... look at him now...

You: I wish that could be the same for the other superstars like Finn and Shinsuke...

Triple H: Huh?

You: Seth is the only NXT Champion to win the WWE championship... Finn held a title for 22 hours, Shinsuke's US title reign is pointless, and look at Bobby.

Triple H: Time will tell...

You: Speaking of time, hows the bicep?

Triple H: Could be better but it's going well. How are you and Alexa?

You: We're fine, she's hanging out with her friends.

Triple H: And you?

You: Just here to relax honestly. But seeing this is just motivating...

Triple H: Hey many superstars have been in this developmental business. We tried to get many people in this business like Kenny Omega.

You: Speaking of Kenny, how did you get the whole Club in WWE?

Triple H: It was actually Finn, Aj, and Adam's idea. Cole and Aj talked with ROH and Finn and Aj also talked with New Japan. We paid $30 million for all of them for these 3 matches.

You: $30 million for 3 matches!? Wait for only 3 matches!?

Triple H: Yeah they didn't sign a contract so we "rented" them. $5 million for each of them. And don't worry, Survivor Series and the next RAW episode is sold out. Merch sales are through the roof and WWE Network subscriptions are being bought quickly.

You: Moneymakers i guess...

You jump on the ring apron and you jump over the top rope and land inside the ring. Triple H watches you and you sit on the top turnbuckle.

Triple H: You look ready for a right! That's what I like about you! You're ready for a fight anytime and where!

You: Hell yeah and I can't wait to beat Cody's as-

?: Beat who's ass!

You turn to see Cody running unto the ring being followed by a cameraman from Cody slides into the ring and you two exchange punches with each other. Cody gets the upper hand and he kicks you in the gut and lands a DDT on you. He picks you up and lands a Cross Rhodes on you.

Cody: And don't talk shit about me!

Cody jumps out of the ring and kisses Brandi on the lips. They walk out, leaving you on the floor in pain.

Triple H: Good job you two!

You do a kip up and you fix your suit. You roll out the ring and you lock in a hug with Cody.

Cody: You sell that amazingly!

You: Because you're amazing!

Cody: No you!

You: No you!

You guys laugh with Brandi standing in the background confused.

Brandi: Boys...

You walk back with Cody, Triple H, and Brandi back to the crowd and you guys party.


Aj walks into the back after losing to Kenny making The Elite tied with Bullet Club OGs 2:2. Luke and Karl lost to The Young Bucks and Adam and Finn beat Marty and Page. Kenny walks into the medical room and Aj grabs a towel.

Cody: 2:2 baby! Looks like The Elite has won!

Finn: Oi you still have to fight Shift!

You fix your black glove while listing to music and Cody looks at you.

Cody: Exactly!

You walk over to the guys and you take off your earbuds.

You: We're next Cody, you're going out first then me.

Cody: All right buddy! Let's break this arena!

You and Cody fist-bump and Cody walks out with Brandi to the ring with Cody's theme playing. The crowd cheers as Cody kisses Brandi and walks up the steel steps. Cody takes off his jacket and climbs up the middle turnbuckle and shows off. The arena goes black and Cody's music stops playing with smoke covering the top of the ring. You walk out of the smoke and the crowd cheers as you walk down the ramp to the ring. You look at Brandi and you wink at her. You jump on the ring apron and he jumps over the top rope and you look at the hard camera. The lights turn back on and the ref separates you and Cody. The ref rings the bell and you and Cody lock in a stare.

Crowd: let's go, Cody! Let's go Nightshift! Let's go, Cody! Let's go Nightshift!

Cole: Listen to this crowd!

Graves: There going crazy before a punch lands!

You and Cody land punches on each other and the crowd yells in excitement. Cody kicks you in the gut and him Irish whips you to the corner and lands a corner splash. Cody lets you fall to the ground and taunts the crowd.

Cody: This is your best wrestler!?

Cody stops you to the corner and you sit down on the corner and stomps you even more. The ref pulls Cody away and Cody flips off the crowd. Cody picks you up, but you land jabs to Cody's chest and you gain the power to fight back. You kick Cody in the leg and he falls on his knees. You run off the ropes and land a dropkick on him. You jump on the second rope and you go for a splash but Cody lifts up his knees and rolls you up.


You kick out and Cody sits on his knees. You did a kip up and land superkick on Cody. You go for the pin but Brandi gets on the ring apron and distracts the ref. You look at Brandi and you yell at her and you do a crotch chop after every word you say.

You: Suck! My! Di-

Cody gets up and lands a Cross Rhodes on you and goes for the pin.

Ref: 1...2...

You kick out and the crowd cheers while Brandi stands in shock. Cody picks you and tries to go for a suplex but you reversed it and landed a Suplex Double Knee Gutbuster and you go for the pin.

Ref: 1...2...

Cody kicks out and you pick him up. You sit Cody on your shoulders and you hold him going for a One-Winged Angel, but Cody reverses it and lands a Frankensteiner. Cody runs t the top rope and lands a moonsault and goes for the pin.

Ref: 1...2...

Cole: 3! No kick out!

Cody picks you up and kicks you in the gut and puts you into the Styles Clash hold. You land a Hurricanrana and you jump on the top rope and you land a 450 splash on Cody. You pick up Cody and you Irish whip him on the ropes. You throw him in the air and you land Nightmares on him and you go for the pin.

Ref: 1...2....3!


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