Welcome Back!

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You wake up at 6:35 am and you get ready for Alexa coming home after not seeing her for days. You change your clothes and you head over to the kitchen and you get ready to make a cake. You put the cake mix in a bowl, crack 2 eggs in it, pour a cup of water, and you mix the batter until its liquid. You put the cake in a pan and you put in in the oven for 20 minutes. After 30 minutes, you take the cake out the oven, you cut the top off, and you put frosting on the cake. After 20 minutes of putting frosting, you finished the cake.

After 20 minutes of putting frosting, you finished the cake
You: Finally... Now time to pick up Alexa from the airport.

You put up a banner saying "Welcome Back" and you put the cake on the counter table. You take a shower, change your clothes and you sat down on the sofa.

After 5 hours of watching shows on the WWE Network (For new members on the WWE Network you can watch Evolution because that's the closest Pay Per View while I'm writing this, and pay $9
After 5 hours of watching shows on the WWE Network (For new members on the WWE Network you can watch Evolution because that's the closest Pay Per View while I'm writing this, and pay $9.99 per month to watch hours of WWE programs! Piss off...) You watch some 205 Live and you get impressed with some of the moves the guys were able to do. You were rooting for TJP in the fatal 5 way between TJP, Tony Nese, Cedric Alexander, Gran Metalik, and Lio Rush. Tony rolls up Alexander for the 3 counts and you clap after the amazing match ended. You check the time and you jump off the sofa.

You: SHIT! Alexa lands at the airport in 5 minutes!

You run out of the house and you get inside your car and you drive to LAX. You got a call from Finn and you answer it.

You: Hey man! What's up?

Finn: Nothing much, I just learn that me and you would be on Total Divas so I'm coming over tomorrow for the shoot.

You: Your going to b on Total Divas? Did Becky drive you into this?

Becky in the background: Say no or your sleeping on the sofa.

Finn: No...

You: Yeah right... Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

Finn: Alright lad Ill talk to you later, bye.

You end the call and you keep on driving while changing the radio channels. You decide to listen to a Jericho's podcast. You get to the airport, you walk into LAX, and you wait in the food court. You look at your phone and you see the time, 1:00 PM. You wait for Alexa until a fan walks up to you, a fan that looks familiar.

Emily: Oh my God, Max is that you?

You: For fuck sake... why now

Emily walks over to you holding her purse in her and a Japanese shopping bag that says 株式会社島村 (Shimamura Co). Emily sits next to you and you get extremely uncomfortable hoping that an actual fan finds you.

Emily: You look better than the last time I saw you. You look buffer than usual, have you been going to the gym.

You in your mind: Fuck me she's desperate.

Emily: Well I just came back from Japan and toured around the island, and I would LOVE to say it was fun. Japan is such a beautiful place to visit it's so amazing I mean...

Emily keeps yapping away while you are looking around not paying attention but you guess she hasn't noticed. You see a blonde girl with some pink dye on her hair and get up. You look at Emily and she has her eyes closed "remembering" What Japan looked like. You ran over to the girl and you picked her up.

Alexa: Waoh Max!

You: Alexa! I missed you!

You and Alexa share a hug while Emily stares at you two, disguised.

You: How was the show?

Alexa: It was great but now its Evolution season. I won't be back home all week. I'm stuck fighting Ronda again.

You: Can't wait to see that match. Come on, I know you're tired.

Alexa: Yeah.. Let's go.

You and Alexa walk past Emily and head out of LAX. You two get inside the car and drive back home. While driving Alexa starts an Instagram Live without you noticing.

Alexa: Hey guys, just landed in LA to head back home and rest. I'm here with the amazing Nightshift.

You: Hey guys! I've been bored out of my mind this week.

Alexa: He begged for me to come back. Anyways ask some questions and we might answer them during this Live.

Many questions start popping up about you and Alex's relationship until you see an interesting question. "How does Nightshift feel about Brock Lesnar?"

You: I fucking hate Brock! He ruined the biggest title in WWE by defending it what under 20 times in 365 days!? He gets paid millions just to show up every 3 months while other wrestlers can even get a push! And giving someone who gets boo'ed the title that's already in a bad, so give it to a face. Like Finn, Rollins, back to KO, just anyone! Hell I'll even take it!

Alexa: Well why don't you just fight Brock? I bet many people want to see you beat his ass.

You: Maybe sometime before he runs away to UFC.

You and Alexa keep answering questions until you guys reach your house. You do the usual opening the gate door, driving in, same old shit. You open the door and Alexa walks in seeing the banner on the wall. She smiles and looks at you while you're taking out the cake you made for her. You two get a slice of cake and watch some tv until the grill you ordered comes. You set it up outside and you look at the pool happily. Alexa comes out wearing a bikini and jumps in the pool while you stand outside. Alexa swims around and you can't keep your eyes away from her. You thought if it was wrong to stare, but you two are dating. Alexa pulls you in the water and she hugs herself on you. You can feel her chest being pushed on you and you blush for a bit.

Alexa: I guess you forgot about my body... How about I refresh your memory?

You: Sure...

You and Alexa share a kiss in the pool and you two get out of the pool and head over to the bedroom. You and Alexa strip down and get in the bed. After 30 minutes, you and Alexa collapse naked on your bed and try to catch your breaths.

Alexa: I missed having sex with you, it been awful without you.

You: Yeah, but Alexa... I don't know if I can continue with Total Divas.

Alexa: Don't worry... you'll be great...

You: OK I'll trust you...

You and Alexa watch TV for the rest of the day until the sun does down. You two cuddle for a bit until Alexa falls asleep and then you fall asleep.

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