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You walk around the club, your heart beating to the sound of the music playing inside. It was the day... Well, the night of your proposal. You looked at the floor and you feel like you might pass out until you feel someone pat your shoulder. You turn around and see..... Hunter!?

You: Oh Hunter hey! I didn't see you come out the door. You scared me!

Hunter: I came from the back door. I was looking for you! There are only 15 minutes left of the year so get ready. I was able to speak with Finn and he's getting himself ready. You got this, I know she will say yes!

Hunter walks back inside and you follow him. You walk past the crowd of WWE stars and you grab a seat next to Alexa.

Alexa: There you are! I was getting worried you were drunk and was in front of a toilet.

You: No I was outside getting some fresh air. I can't believe the year is over... So much stuff is going to happen...

Alexa: You mean so much stuff has happened?

You: Y-YEAH that! Besides I was nice being with you Alexa and I wanted to ask you... If you wanted to follow me!

Alexa: Sure! Let go!

You grab Alexa's head and walk her to the crowd. You find Finn watching the TV with Becky and you stop next to him. Alexa walked over to Becky and they start having a conversation.

Finn: 5 Minutes left... I can't believe it...

You: Yeah... It's like every counts on this one moment. I mean it's so important. There could be so many outcomes that could happen.

You look at the clock. 11:58 PM. 2 minutes left. You put your hand in your pocket and felt the ring box. You walk over to Alexa and Finn walks over to Becky. Finn brings Becky near you two and you and Finn share a hug. The final count down. The cub fills up with people counting down. You look at Alexa and she's looking at the Tv while counting down. 56...55...54 Its go time. You gave Finn the signal and you tapped Alexa's shoulder. Alexa looks at you while you get on one knee. 49...48...4- The club goes quiet as you and Finn get on your knees. Finn starts to propose and you build up the courage to speak.

You: Alexa, the first time I got to meet you, it was like I met someone I never met before. You had something special that I liked and we were able to get along really well. Even after our tough times, we were able to find love. So Alexa... Will you marry me?


You take out the ring box and you open it. The club is still silent, the only the tv was making noise. Alexa nobs her head, yes and you get up. Seconds later Becky shakes her head yes.


As the clock strikes midnight, you and Finn both kiss your now fiancees as the crowd cheers. Some couples shared a kiss while everyone looks at your four. You put the ring on Alexa while everyone claps for you guys. You stop kissing Alexa and you feel some liquid getting poured on you. You turn around to see Big E, Seth, and Barron laughing while holding empty cups. You chuckle as Alexa hugs you. People started to take pictures of you four all wearing your rings.


"DIY attacked us last week, making us the joke of Smackdown Live. If they want our titles, Mr.Injury and Mr.I Can't Win a Single Solo Championship can come down and face us!"

You threw the mic down and DIY's theme started to play. Tommaso and Gargano walked out to the crowd exploding. Tommaso was holding a mic and get in front of Johnny.

"You want us to come down? After we beat you two last week? You dont want us to come down because everyone here knows we can beat both of you again! This is the time for DIY!"

Johnny walked over to the Royal Rumble sigh and pointed at it and yelled."Shadows of the Fallen Sun vs DIY at the Royal Rumble for the Tag Team Championships!"You look at Shinsuke and him nodded. You looked back at the two and got on the ropes.

"We accept the challenge! We will give you the ass beating you two deserve!"

The crowd cheered as the four stared at each other. You and Shinsuke look at the WrestleMania sign and DIY make a run for it. They attack you two from the behind, but you and Shinsuke were ready. You two were able to fight back, you taking on Johnny and Shinsuke taking on Tommaso. Shinsuke takes Tommaso out of the ring and you dropkick Johnny. You got on the top rope but someone runs down the ramp. Its Candice LaRae and she got into the ring. He landed a top rope hurricanrana on you. Alexa ran down and started to fight Candice while you powered up and landed stomps on Johnny. You and Alexa got on your own the top ropes and landed each others finisher. You landed Twisted Bliss while Alexa landed a 450 Splash. The crowd exploded while Shinsuke landed a Kinshasa. Shinsuke got back in the ring and grabbed the titles while you and Alexa shared a kiss. The crowd chanted "YES" while you lifted Alexa's and Shinsuke puts the title on you. You look at Johny and you pick him up. You slam him on the ground while you and Shinsuke stomp away. Alexa was encouraging you two and even landed her own hits. You put Johnny in Paralysis and his scream made you lock it in harder. Johnny was on the edge of passing out.

"Here comes the money!"

The crowd exploded as you slam Johnny's head on the floor and got up. Shane looked at you three and shook his head.

"I expected better, but now I must put my foot down. You two will be fighting each other at the Royal Rumble but that won't be it. You two will also be in the rumble and Nightshift, you will be defending you Intercontinental Championship against Andrade "Cien" Almas!"

The crowd exploded as you chuckled and kissed Alexa again. You weren't scared about the three matches in one night. You held the Tag Team Championship in the air as you put one foot on Johnny's chest.

Wow I'm uploading again? Thats crazy! Well sorry for going ghost. School and shit have been killing me, however Spring Break is coming up after next week! More stories are coming soon and hopefully this long story can end!

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