Ring Shopping

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You wake up and look to your left to see your sexy Intercontinental championship... and Alexa. You were so happy to see that you've won a title in the WWE after your hard work against the toughest opponent... like Jinder. You got out of your bed and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You left the bathroom 10 minutes later after brushing your teeth, taking a shower, and combing your hair. You see Alexa sitting up on the bed, looking at her phone.

You: Morning!

Alexa: Oh hey I thought you went out with Finn!

You: Huh?

Alexa: Yeah Becky told me you, her, and Finn was going out shopping.

You: Oh right... Hey, Alexa do you want to join us?

Alexa: Sure my day is open, nothing happening for me.

You: Great, you can use the bathroom!

Alexa jumps out of bed, gives you a kiss, and walks in the bathroom. You change your clothes into a Braun shirt, black and white Adidas pants, all white Nikes, and a Polo jacket. You turn on the tv and watched Cartoon Network until Alexa gets ready. 1-hour passes and Alexa is dressed up and ready to go. You guys drive to the mall and you meet up with Finn and Becky.

Becky: Finally you guys got here! Finn bought food from 5 different food court restaurants! He didn't even share any!

Finn: I need to get some muscles Becks, sorry.

Becky: Well we wanted you guys to come since Christmas is around the corner sooo...

Finn: Me and Max will buy something for you and Becks. You and Becks need to buy something for me and Max.

You: So present exchanging?

Finn: Yeah! So Alexa and Becks will take one part of the mall and Max and I will take the other part!

Alexa: Sounds fun! Let's meet up at the food court when we're done!

You: All right let's do this!

You and Finn walk to the side that has a jewelry shop since Finn wants to do some ring shopping. You looked at some purses and other stuff in the women's department of a store.

Finn: Come on Max, we need to look for a ring!

You: Fine, let's go.

You and Finn walk to the jewelry store and you guys looked at some rings. Finn showed the employee the ring he wants and you looked around the store. You see the same ring you found on the internet.

Finn: What you looking at buddy? Some diamond watch?

You: No its nothing. Hey man how much for this?

Employee: That ring? $5,000.

You: I'll take it.

Finn: Jesus man! I thought you said it was too early!?

You: Shhh! There are still some days till New Years.

Finn: What?

You: Nothing bro. Just take your ring and we still need to buy something.

Finn: Right! Forgot!

You guys pay for your rings and you buy some necklaces. You guys walk back to the food court and you guys don't see the girls. You buy a burger, fries, and a Sprite while Finn got a chicken sandwich, large fries, and a Coke. You and Finn eat your food until some fans come up to you two.

Fans: Hey can we get a picture of you two? We're big fans of you!

You: Hell yeah! Come in!

You and Finn take a selfie with the girls and they check the picture to see Alexa and Becky in the background. The fans freak out seeing them while you take some of Finn's fries. They take a picture with Becky and Alexa and the fans walk away.

Alexa: All right so we bought you boys something! Close your eyes!

You and Finn close your eyes and you feel something in your hands. You open your eyes and you see something heavenly... a $50 gift card to Cracker Barrel.


The crowd looks at you in confusion.

You: Sorry!

Finn: Finally! Me, Max, and the guys can have a meal again!

Becky: All right it's our turn!

Becky and Alexa close their eyes and you hand them their necklaces. They open there eyes and a smile grows on their face. They hug both of you and wear the necklace.

Becky: Thanks so much, you guys.

Alexa: Yeah! Now let's go to our Live event!


Cole: 619! Rey going for the Frog Splash!

Rey climbs the top rope and jumps off, just to get caught by you.

You: Shinsuke now!

Shinsuke gets up and you put Rey down, just so Shinsuke can low blow him. The ref calls for the bell and Rey wins via DQ. You and Shinsuke stomp on Rey and you guys run to a corner of your own. You two wait for Rey to get on his knees and you two land a Kinshasa Knee Smash (Like the #DIY Meeting in the Middle but instead of a superkick, its a Kinshasa). Shinsuke does his rope pose while you get on one knee, looking at the crowd. You get out the ring and you walk to the back, telling the crowd "Shadows of the Setting Sun!"


You: WOO!

Finn: Looks like someone is excited to attack someone.

You: With a Japanese legend? Hell yeah!

Finn: Your a Japanese legend too, so am I. And Aj... Luke and Karl... a lot of people are.

Becky: Well a legend is a legend... Besides, you guys could be legends one day!

You: Becky you're telling me I'm not a legend in the WWE?

Becky: Hell yeah I am! You justed joined the roster! I'm going to eat some Quina now...

You: Ouch...

Finn: That's my Becks...

You: Well I'm thirsty... Want to go out and drink something?

Finn: Fuck yeah...

You: All right let's go, Alexa is hanging out with the girls.

You and Finn walk to the parking lot to see Aj, Luke, and Karl talking. You snuck up behind Luke and got him in a playful choke hold.


Karl doing a Stone Cold impression: Tap you SOB! TAP!

Luke taps and you let go and flex. The guys laugh and you tell them about going to the bar.

Luke: I'm down to go!

Aj: Yeah I got nothing else to do.

Karl: Open for the idea.

Finn: All right, let's go!

You and the guys drive over to a local bar, get a table, and buy drinks for hours. Aj, Karl, and Luke stop before they get drunk but you and Finn keep drinking. You and Finn get drunk and you don't remember anything after. You see blurs and then nothing. You hear faint sounds of music and talking then nothing else. You see a vision... a beautiful shadow in front of you. It was... It was your Intercontinental Championship. You feel yourself getting picked up but your too tired to wake up.

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