DIY Dating!

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You and Alexa walk around Stone Mountain. The next episode of Smackdown was in Atlanta. You dont remember the last time you were even in Georgia, but it was nice. You placed down a blanket on the grass and Alexa sat down. You looked up at the mountain and saw Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

Alexa: Why would they have Confederate leaders on a mountain? The same ones who wanted to keep slaves and split up the United States...

You: They were big faces back then during that time... Crazy to think the KKK used to own this park... Now there are kids of all background running around having fun...

Alexa: And hopefully it can stay like that... I dont want to go back 200 years where everyone was after each other...

You look at Alexa and you smiled. You've never felt so happy to be with Alexa. The year was almost over and tonight was your last Smackdown Live of the year. You kissed Alexa and she blushed.

Alexa: It's been a while since we've done anything in bed... I'll make you a deal! If you impress me tonight, we could have some fun.

Alexa runs her hand through your hair and you two start to kiss. You grab her hips and Alexa pushes you down and gets on top of you.

Alexa: I said if you impress me... Dont try to tease me...

You: Yes ma'am!


Tom Phillips: Welcome to the Smackdown Live before Christmas! The road to the Royal Rumble is almost here. Last week, Shinsuke Nakamura and Nightshift won the Smackdown Live Tag Team Championships. Now they will be choosing their opponents tonight for an open challenge match!

Corey Graves: Honestly I dont think this tag team on Nakamura and Nightshift will last long! Nightshift looks very shady! I mean he was kicked out of his old group! I dont think he should be holding those tag team cham-

Shinsuke's music cuts off Corey and you two walk down to the ring. Shinsuke gets inside the ring but you walk over to the announcer's table. You look over at Corey and you land a slap on him. Corey immediately gets up but Tom holds him back while you laugh. You grab a mic and you get inside the ring.

Nightshift: I guess that shut your NXT reject ass up huh Corey? Whatever I only like to speak to people who have won more than one championship in a span of 3 years. Now let's get away from the failure of a wrestler to our challenges. Anyone in the back who wants these championships, come on out!

You and Shinsuke look at the ramp win silence until a sound starts to echo in the arena. "BEEP... BEEP... BEEEEEEP" The crowd explodes when 4 words were yelled out, "No one will survive!"

Tom: Corey look! It's the former NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa! The greatest sports entertainer of all time!

Tommaso looks around the arena chanting "DIY! DIY! DIY!" Tommaso shushed the crowd and everyone went silent. Then Johnny Gargano's theme started to play and the crowd exploded again. Johnny walked next to Tommaso and looked at the crowd. The crowd was on their feet chanting "DIY! DIY! DIY! DIY!" Tommaso and Johnny walked down to the ring and entered it, facing you both. You stared down Tommaso while Johnny stared down Shinsuke. Tommaso looked at the championship and pointed at it. Johnny tried to grab Shinsuke's title, but Shinsuke punched first. Tommaso started to attack you while Johnny got back up and attacked Shinsuke. Johnny landed a superkick on Shinsuke while Tommaso landed Fairy Tale Ending on you. You got on both knees while Tommaso and Johnny ran to opposite corners. The crowd exploded when Johnny and Tommaso got ready to land Meeting In The Middle. Johnny and Tommaso landed it. You fall down on the floor and they pick up your titles. The crowd explodes again while you lay down on the floor just listening.

Christmas Day

You wake up with Alexa running around wearing an Alexa Bliss Christmas sweater. You got up and put on your Bullet Club sweater. As soon as you leave the bedroom, Alexa tackles you down with a hug.

Alexa: Its Christmas!

You: I know its Christmas Alexa! I'm so happy because its snowi-

Alexa: We live in California Max...

You: I can dream! Now, let's open up some presents!

You walk down to the living room while Alexa ran. She sat down next to the Christmas tree which was surrounded by presents. Alexa handed you a present with purple and red wrapping paper. You open it and you see some controllers for your console. They weren't something Alexa would buy, especially that it was a special joystick Street Fighters controller.

Alexa: Now we could play Street Fighters together!

You: But I dont own the game... I guess I could buy it and beat your ass every time!

Alexa: Yeah right!

You grabbed a present and handed it to Alexa. She opened it and a smile grew on her face. It was a Kingdom Hearts 3 jacket. She hugged it and jumped up. She kissed you and handed you another present. You opened it and it was a little jewelry box. You open it up and it was an Amythist necklace with a purple heart hanging from it. You put it on and Alexa started to kiss you. You both fell down on the sofa and started to get deep in the kissing. You started to take off Alexa's shirt but an alarm went off. It was the gate camera showing off 2 cars full of people inside. One had their head out the window wearing a Santa hat, it was Kenny.

You: Fucking cock blockers...

Alexa: Dont worry, we can continue later tonight...

Alexa puts on her shirt and you fix your hair. You open the gate door and the cars roll in. You open the front door and all 7 of the members run over to the front door. They all hug you and you invite them in. When you turn your back to look at everyone, 2 more people walk over. It was Becky and Finn. You invited them in and they all were talking in the living room. Everyone was opening presents. All your presents to Alexa were Disney related merch but you had 1 more present for herself. You allowed Kenny and Cody to play Street Fighters that Kenny bought for you.

You: Hey Alexa! I have 1 more present for you and I bought them while I was with Finn.

You handed Alexa a little box. She opened it and let out a little shriek of excitement. She took out 2 Disney Land tickets.


Everyone laughs while Alexa runs around the living room still holding the tickets. She hugged you and you carried her up. You two shared a kiss while Brandy took a picture of you two. You put Alexa down on her feet and everyone kept talking.

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