Kiko (2)

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After an hour he finally found her in the back of the academy. Her legs swung back and forth from the tree branch as she read a book. Rin watched as she bit into an apple and ignored everything around her. Just looking at her made him feel calm and at peace.

"Akari!" Rin shouted as he ran up to her. "I finally found you!"

Rin climbed up the tree with ease and sat beside her. Knowing that Akari would never answer him, he took her half eaten apple and bit into it.

"Hey!" Akari said as she looked up from her book. "Get your own apple."

"You have to learn how to share." Rin said as he quickly finished the apple in three bites and threw the core away. "Not only are you stingy, you're also very thoughtless. Not even waiting for me after the test. I should be the one who's mad here not you."

Akari stared at Rin for a moment before looking away. Rin smiled brightly at her and shimmied his body from side to side in a good mood. It was always his smile that made her forget everything. Forget her longing. Heartbreak. Her troubles. With one smile, she became a puppet for him.

In the past, there were times he would ask her to do something for him, even when she didn't want to do it. But with one smile, she threw her identity away and did what he wanted. No matter how embarrassing it was. Or difficult to do. With his one smile, she did it wholeheartedly. And in the end, she would comfort herself that his smile was worth it. Now she hates his smiles.

She couldn't blame him for everything, it was her own fault. She was the one that gave him so much power over her. She didn't know her worth. She didn't remember her identity. She was also to blame for her own demise.

"You smile at everyone like that." Akari said.

"Of course." Rin answered thinking that Akari was asking him a question. Why shouldn't he smile when he's happy? When he sees something pretty? When he is in a good mood?

"You'll smile at anything and anyone. It makes it less special." Akari told him as she went back to reading.

Rin's smile disappears immediately and he thinks about what she said. If he smiles at everyone, it will be less special. However he couldn't help himself. He liked smiling. So what if it's less special.

"I can't help it! I like smiling. I'll smile to whoever I want to!" Rin argued back.

"I didn't tell you to stop smiling nor did I tell you to smile less. You can do whatever you want to do. I'm not your mother."

"You-- you always say things like this to make us argue! Do you like arguing with me so much!" Rin asked her vexly.

"Are you getting mad, crybaby?" Akari asked while not even looking up from her book. "Are you going to cry now, crybaby?"

"Shut it!" Rin said sourly. He could never understand why Akari's personality was so prickly. Always keeping everyone at arm's length. The only people she treated well were her parents, her maids, servants and guards. While everyone else she was so cold towards. Even after two years they still argue like the first time they met.

"Rotten girl." Rin whispered as he pouted.


Akari quickly looked up from her book. She knew that voice no matter where she went. No matter how many times she reincarnated. Why is it that Kiko is showing up now? Kiko was not supposed to show up until they were 10 years old. Kiko is 3 years too early. Why did their fates change again?

"Rin!" Kiko shouted as she walked into the back of the academy with two of her new friends. She wanted to introduce her new friends to Rin.

"Over here!" Rin shouted as he waved his hand. Rin smiled brightly at the three girls as they made their way towards him.

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