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***A/N: This chapter and next couple chapters are NSFW. Enjoy! -ptd xoxo

Akari held Dean's hand as they entered her house. Her parents stood by the door as they welcomed the loving couple inside.

"For a moment, I thought my daughter would turn you down by the way you guys were training out there." Jona said as he clapped Dean's back.

"If I went easy on her, she would skin me alive." Dean joked.

"Then stuff your skin and hang you up like a prise possession." Akari told him.

Everyone froze in their steps except Dean. He knew her humor could be dark and could be misunderstood by many. Instead he laughed at her as Emi pulled Akari's hand.

"Don't scare off your fiance like that, you guys just got engaged." Emi whispered.

"What's there to scare?" Akari asked. "He would even stand still for me to skin him alive. He wouldn't even scream. Right, Teacher Koya?"

"If that is what you want, then that is what I'll do." Dean said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her close to him. He kissed the crown of her head and smiled down at her. "I would even sharpen the knife for you."

"Tsk." Jona said as he walked to his wife's side. "Children in the first stages of love can only show their love this way. Let us give them time alone so they could cultivate their feelings."

Jona pulled Emi away from Dean and Akari and right before they entered the dining hall Emi turned around and quickly yelled her thoughts to them.

"No dual cultivation until you're married."

Akari tripped at Emi's words and Dean quickly caught Akari. With his arms wrapped around Akari's waist he pulled her closer to his body as he laughed loudly. Dean's body shook with mirth as Akari's face lit up with embarrassment.

Dean pulled her upstairs and into his room. Akari had tucked her head down to hid her pink cheeks. She didn't even realize that she was inside of his room until she found herself straddling him on the couch. His fingers lifted her chin up so he could see her enchanting shy face.

Dean smirked at Akari and kissed her softly. One of his hand thread through her hair and held the back of her head as they kissed. The other hand held her hips down and close to his body. His growing member became hard as he felt all of his senses being overtaken by her.

Their light kiss became passionate. She felt his tongue invade her mouth and danced with her tongue. It was as if he was claiming her soul and body slowly. Her arms found its way to the back of his head as she thread her fingers through his hair and pulled on them so slightly.

Her body began to heat up and her body began to move on its own. Dean's hand on her hip tightened and held her body still, but the heat between her legs were telling her something different.

Dean broke away from their kiss and leaned his forehead against hers. Dean grunted frustingly and wrapped his arms around her and leaned back into the couch. He looked up to the ceiling as he controlled his desires. He wanted nothing more than to duel cultivate with Akari. However, he didn't want her to feel as if he rushed her into anything. He was already marrying her in a week. If he couldn't even wait a week, he didn't deserve her.

Akari tucked her head into Dean's neck and caught her breath. Everywhere Dean touched, made her skin burn with desire. This feeling of possessiveness came over her and it was new to her. She wanted to know what it would feel like to kiss every inch of his body. To hold and caress him from head to toe. Just thinking about it made her moan.

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