Kiko (3)

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**** A/N:  This chapter and the next chapter is NSFW .  -ptd

The moment Kiko sat in her carriage the tears stopped.  Her eyes no longer looked as if it was sad, in was instead replaced with cold hard eyes.  Her back became straight as she sat, and her mouth frowned. She knew this day would come sooner or later.  She could feel her hold on Rin disappearing each day.

“What are we going to do now?”  The woman who disguised herself as Kiko’s maid spoke.  “You’ve failed your mission.”

“It’s not over yet.”  Kiko said as she glared at Ariane.  

“Your mission was to make Young Master Rin fall in love with you until the larger mission was finalized. You were supposed to be the eyes and ears to the Noboru estate. Even with the love spells that were given to you to mesmerize him only worked half of the time.  You couldn’t even succeed in seducing him. With everything that was use to send you to be his first love, you couldn’t even accomplish the missio!! You should have given him your body five years ago when he claimed you so openly in front of everyone. It would have been a grand gesture that tied him to you tighter.  Instead you wanted to be seen as innocent and pure and that backfired.”

Kiko closed her eyes and buried her anger.  She still had time to get back with Rin. She was always able to win Rin back.  

“Rin is only throwing a tantrum because Akari’s back.  She has always come between Rin and I. Even when I had the whole school believing that she bullied me, Rin always stood by her side.”  

“Then she needs to be eliminated.”  Ariane told Kiko.

“She’s not that easy to deal with.”  

“Why is that?  Our Master is not just someone who anyone can mess with.”  

“That is true.  However, Akari has four abilities and she is a mage.  Her Mage Teacher is Koya. Teacher Koya is someone who even our Master cannot mess with.”

“We must eliminate Akari at all cost.  Everything would have to be planned well and meticulously so Teacher Koya does not find out who is behind Akari’s death. And you must win Rin back, no matter what the cost is.  You know the punishment for a failed mission.”

Kiko nodded her head in understanding and both of them spoke no more.  They had many things to think about before they make any moves.

Kiko returned to her room and quickly changed her dress.  She went into her study and quickly ordered her men to watch Akari and the Ayame estate.  She wanted detailed information the Ayame family and their actions. She also wanted information on Teacher Koya.  Kiko wrote an encrypted message and sent it to her Master. She then took the rest of her day to prepare her body for Rin.  

When the sun set and the moon rose, Kiko made her ways towards the Noboru estate.  She climbed over the tall walls and pass all this guards. She entered Rin’s home through servant entrances and made use of the servant passages to enter Rin’s room.  

Once inside of his room, she lit several incenses.  The incenses filled the room as Kiko made her way to the corner of the room.  She hid between the large cabinet and the wall. Kiko had already eaten the atidote, so she wouldn't be affected.

The strong scented room began to dissipate as time went by, however it’s scent clung to every clothlike fabric in the room.  Another five hours went by and Rin finally made his appearance inside of his room. He dismissed his servant at the door and undressed himself.  

He walked into the bathing room naked and while he was cleaning himself, Kiko came out of her hiding spot and lit more incenses.  She undressed herself until she wore only a nightgown. She sat on the Rin’s large bed and waited for him to finish.

By the time he came out, Kiko had relit another batch of the incenses.  The room held a thick white fog that floated around the room. Rin had already been affected by the incense in the bathing room.  He had felt a hot wave of desire come over him and his thoughts ran to Akari as he touched himself. Everytime his hand gave the rod between his legs release, another wave of desire would overcome him and he would touch himself again.  He would imagine Akari's lavender eyes staring at him.  Her heart shaped face and her silky black hair.  He would imagine her kissable, full lips around his rod as she sucked him off and he would thrust into his hand faster.

When his bath water became cold, it was only then he stood up to dry himself and make his way to his bed.  He didn’t think about the white fog that surround the room from ceiling to floor. It was as if he was in a dream.

His harden member lead the way as he walked out of the bathing room.  His footsteps stopped at the beautiful woman sitting on his bed. His mind became hazy as he felt the need to bury himself inside of something hot and wet.

Rin knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know what.  He walked closer to the woman and through the fog, he saw Kiko.  However he rubbed his eyes and when it opened, he saw Akari.

“Rotten girl, what are you doing here?  Especially so late at night.”

“I came here for you.”

“What do you want that couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”  

Kiko stood up and slowly took off her nightgown.  Her naked body was bared all of Rin to see.

“I want you.”  Kiko said as she reached out to touch Rin’s chest. Her hand glided over his large chest and down his arms.  She took hold of his hand and brought it to her breast. When his hand cupped her breast she moaned softly. “Make me your woman, Rin.  I have always loved you. Make me yours completely.”

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