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After her confrontation with Rin in the rain, she directly went to her room. She didn't use the front door, like everyone else, instead she climbed to her seventh floor room and entered through her window.

"Ah!" Lena screamed as she saw a dark, wet figure climb through the window. "Young Miss?"

Akari straightened up and pushed her hair back, showing Lena her face.

"Oh, gosh, oh dear." Lena cried as she quickly grabbed a couple of towels to dry Akari off. "Quickly here dry yourself."

Akari took the towels while Lena nagged her.

"What will your mother and father say if they saw you right now?" Lena scolded her as she prepared a hot bath for Akari. "They would have my hide, yes they would! Why did you let yourself get so wet! You look like a drowned cat! Come here quickly and stop dripping in the middle of the room!"

Akari did as Lena ordered and stripped her wet clothes. She entered the hot bath and sat back as the tub filled up slowly with hot water.

"And why can't you come through the front door like everyone else!" Lena lectured as she picked up Akari's wet clothes to be cleaned. "Scaring little ol' me when you broke through those windows! I thought I was seeing a ghost and the Gods were ready to take me! Do you know how many years off my life you took off? 10! 10 years of my life!"

Akari closed her eyes and sunk into the water. Lena's nagging were muffled by the water as Akari held her breath. Akari came up from the water with a gasp.

"Lena." Akari said softly cutting Lena off in the middle of her lecturing.

"Yes, my Lady?"

"Leave me. "

Lena opened her mouth for a moment wanting to argue with Akari, but she closed it and turned around. When she left, she closed the door and left Akari alone.

Inside the bathing room alone now, Akari laid back into the tub and let tears fall down her face.

She didn't know why she was crying. Shouldn't she be happy that Rin finally remembers their 99 lifetimes together? Shouldn't she feel relief that she all those 99 lives she lived, wasn't in vain? Why was fate so cruel to her? Why did she have to die 99 times to just learn one lesson? Was she crying because she could finally let Rin go?

Lena stood outside the door with a worried face. She could hear Akari crying inside of the bathing room, but she didn't have enough courage to go and comfort Akari, nor did she want Akari to be upset even more if Lena went to comfort her.

Lena could only stand outside, worried for the young girl who was in the midst of growing up to be a lady. Lena bit her lip in concern. Should she write to Akari's parents and let them know of Akari's struggles? Maybe a visit from them would help Akari cheer up a bit more.

Long after the water turned cold, Akari finally gathered her emotions and buried them deep inside of her again. She rebuilt the wall around her heart and dried her body off before leaving the bathing room.

With Lena's help, Akari dressed in warm clothes and Lena dried Akari's hair as Akari ate dinner. Afterwards, Akari dismissed Lena as she went back to reading her books as if nothing happened.

The storm outside became even more fierce. Lightning struck close to her window and loud claps of thunder caused her to look outside her window. For a moment she thought back to her Circle of Fate ceremony and remembered how her teacher rode on a lightning to see her.

One side of Akari's mouth lifted up and smiled just thinking about him. Dean Wilde. With his dark brown hair waving in the wind and his cyan eyes that looked like they could see everyone's secret. Akari was excited to finally start a new chapter in her life. It was something different from her repeated 99 liftimes. And as a mage, she could live until she was 1000 years old. As long as she didn't do anything life threatening, she wouldn't have experience what's it's like to die again so soon.

"Thinking about me?" A low voice said beside her ear. The voice was enigmatic and alluring which caused her body to shiver.

"Teacher!" Akari quickly said as she turned her head towards the voice and her eyes met his cyan eyes once more. "You're here."

"As promised." Dean said as he smiled at her. She was more lovely than he remembered. "You ready?"

"Do I need anything?"

"No everything will be provided for you." Dean told her.

"Lena." Akari shouted as she kept on staring at Dean. She was afraid that if she looked away, it would all be her imagination.

Lena walked out of her connected room and jumped back in surprise. What is a man doing here and at this time of night... alone with her young miss! Just when Lena was about to shout for help and attack the man, Akari spoke.

"Lena it's time for me to go." Akrai said as she reached into her desk and pulled out a letter.

She had been preparing for this day for 10 years. She was ready to leave, however the only thing she would miss were her parents. Even in this lifetime, she would not get the chance to help run the family business and help unburden her father with work. However at least now, she wouldn't have to watch as her parents watched her die in front of them.

"Give this letter to Mom and Dad." Akari said as she quickly looked to Lena and handed it off, before looking back at Dean to make sure he was still there. "Tell them I love them and when I have a chance, I will come and visit. Tell them to take care of themselves and I will miss them."

"Miss, this man?" Lena asked as she stared down the strange man who showed up in their room in the middle of the night.

"My Mage Teacher." Akari reminded her. "I'll leave things here for you to take care of. Remember my words for my parents and remember to give them this letter."

Lena's eyes opened up widely with surprise. It was already time for her Mage Teacher to come get her?

"Didn't you say that you would get her when she turns 15?" Lena asked as she held on to Akari's hand, as if she didn't want to let Akari go with a stranger.

"She just turned 15 a few moments ago." Dean clarified.

"Oh... I thought I would at least get the day to give you this." Lena said as she went inside of her room and pulled out her present. She gave it to Akari and Akari opened it up.

Inside was a pure red jade bracelet. Lena took it and put it around Akari's wrist and when Akari wore it, she felt it prick her skin and drew some blood.

"Duke Jona and Duchess Emi wanted me to give you this on your birthday. This is an enchanted bracelet that they bought especially for you. Ever since you cried on your birthday when you were five, you never celebrated your birthday ever since. Which made Duke Jona and Duchess Emi sad, but they still wanted to give you this gift. Think of it as a parting gift, instead of a birthday gift, until we see you again." Lena told her.

"What does this enchanted bracelet do?"

"I don't know. Duke Jona bought it at an auction. He thought it would suit you."

Akari looked at the red jade bracelet contrast against her pale skin. It made the jade bracelet stand out more.

"Tell them... thank you... I love it." Akari said as she smiled at Lena

Lena was momentary stunned at Akari's beauty. Her Young Miss will become even more beautiful as she grows up.

"I'll tell them everything you said." Lena promised.

"Goodbye, Lena. Thank you, for everything." Akari said as she hugged Lena.

Akari broke the hug and went to Dean. Dean quietly watched the whole exchange and let them have their final moments together. Without a word, Dean lead her to the window and he jumped out. Akari followed him and landed next to him.

Dean's arm circled around her waist and the next moment lightning flashed and thunder clapped loudly moments afterwards. Lena watched as her Young Miss left with her teacher to Neboto Mountain.

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