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When Akari's eyes opened it fell on to the silhouette of a man who sat next to her bed in the dark. She knew he was sleeping, with his arms crossed over his chest and his head leaning to the side of the cushioned chair. His breathing was steady as he slept. Her room was plunged in darkness with the moonlight shining into her open windows, letting the cool night air blow the curtains back and forth.

Her eyes wandered from Dean's head to toe, then back to his face, where it stopped. Her eyes met his in the darkness and cause her heart to beat wildly again. Her body began to react to his gaze as it held her gaze intently. She could see how much passion he held in them. Akari could feel her body begin to shiver in excitement.

Akari closed her eyes so she could control her emotions. She kept telling herself not to be fooled by such looks. It's only with actions that he could prove to her that his words holds weight to them.

"Are you hungry?" Dean asked as he leaned forward. His hand grabbed her hand as his thumb rubbed circles on the back of her hand. "Does your head hurt?"

Akari shook her head no. She tried to take her hand back from Dean's grasp, but he held her hand tighter.

"I hate your silence." Dean reminded her. "You know what I'll do if you don't answer me."

Akari glared at Dean, however she still didn't answer him. Her glared dared him to kiss her.

"I always follow through with my words." Dean said as he quickly pinned her on her bed.

Their faces were inches apart as Dean looked down at her. His eyes memorised every inch of her face before he leaned down and kissed her. Her tight lips soon relaxed as she opened up to him. His soft ministrations against her tight lips won her over and when their tongue touched, Akari couldn't help herself, she sighed heavily into their kiss. Dean's kisses were not dominating. They were soft, loveable kisses that melted down her walls and let him gain an inch of entry as time pass.

Akari could feel her breast become heavy. She felt the need to have them touched and teased. The valley between her legs ached with longing. Akari had to squeeze her legs together to alleviate the pain. Dean held her tightly in his arms, unwilling to take it a step further. He knew if he did, she would hate him forever. She wasn't ready to accept him yet.

When Dean pulled back from their kiss, both of them were breathing heavy. He watched as Akari's eyelids fluttered for a moment before opening them up to look at Dean. Dean's hand came up to brush the side of her cheek softly.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes." Akari whispered.

"Does your head hurt?"


"Anywhere else on your body hurts?"


"Good girl." Dean whispered as he came down to kiss her again.

But before he could, Akari turned her head to the side and she spoke.

"I thought you would only kiss me if I didn't speak? Why are you trying to kiss me again?"

"Because... good girls deserve gifts." Dean told her as he pecked her lips quickly. "I'll kiss you when you're being good."

Akari wanted to shout how shameless he is, but her words were covered by a second, deeper kiss. Akari kissed back. She couldn't help herself. Her body responded to him. It longed to be touched and kissed. It longed for love. When he kissed her, she forgot everything, but the man on top of her. His scent. His strength. His warmth. She just wanted to feel love, just once in all of her 99 lives, she wanted to be loved in return.

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