A Letter

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When Akari woke up, the sun was high in the sky, with the curtains pulled back and the window opened to let the sun shine through and the breeze in. The place next to her was already cold as Dean had left her to sleep in hours ago.

Akari quickly got up and cleaned and dressed herself for the day. Just when she opened the door, Dean was right in front of the door as well, as if he was just about to open it.

"Hello handsome." Akari said as she smiled sweetly at him.

Seeing Dean made her feel comfort. As if she could trust him and lean on him. She felt protected and warm in his embrace. His tender words could wiggle it's way into her heart and make it beat wildly for him. Everything about him made her feel as if she was falling in love with him all over again.

Dean's devastating smile caught her attention as he leaned down to her lips and kissed her gently. His soft lips touched hers as if seeking her permission to continue. Akari immediately opened her mouth to welcome his intrusion in to her. Dean's hands made it's way around her hips while her hands held his shoulders.

Just when Akari was about to deepen their kiss Dean pulled away with a wispy smile as if he too was caught up in their afternoon kiss.

"Darling, if we don't stop now, we won't be coming out of our room for the rest of the day." Dean said as he stroke her cheek softly.

"I wouldn't mind that." Akari told him as she felt her core start yearning for his touches, his kisses and his embrace.

"Yes, well, I won't mind it either, however we are still under your father's roof and I for one, do not want an audience when I make you scream all day." Dean promised her as he wrapped his hand around her waist as he lead her downstairs. "Besides, you received a letter today from Rin's parents."

Akari scrunched her eyebrows together wondering what they wanted. She did not want them to have too much contact to keep the King, Kiko, and his hidden spies in the dark.

Dean directly lead her to the dining room where her parents were waiting for them to come down to enjoy lunch together.

"How are you feeling darling?" Emi asked as she smiled at Akari.

"Fine, mother." Akari said as she sat down.

"You received a letter from Duke Obara this morning." Jona said as he handed the sealed letter to Akari. "You were still sleeping and we didn't want to wake you up."

"Thank you, Father." Akari said as she opened the letter. Akari quickly read the letter and not one muscle moved on her face. Once she was done reading it, she gave it to Dean to read. Both Emi and Jona looked at Akari and Dean, however they gave no telling sign that anything was wrong, which made them feel better, however they were curious as to why Duke Obara sent them a message so early in the morning.

"Anything the matter?" Jona asked as Dean folded the letter back up and placed it inside of his jacket pocket.

"No, Father. Everything is fine." Akari said as she smiled at her father.

"Then why—" Jona began to say before he was cut off by Akari.

"Just wondered where I placed one of his books I took from his study. Last evening I took one of his favorite books to read, he couldn't find it this morning and wanted to know where I placed it last night." Akari lied to them. She didn't want them to get involved, not yet. Not when even she didn't know where to find the evidence to support their claims of the King trying to kill Rin and his family. Especially since Jona doesn't involve himself with the government. "I'll write them a message after lunch."

Jona looked at Akari for a long time before sighing heavily. The rest of their lunch went on as usual. When Akari and Dean came back to their room, Dean locked the door after him.

"So... Rin's missing." Dean said as he sat down on the couch. "Know any places where Rin could have gone?"

Akari shook her head no. She didn't know.

"All those lifetimes, and not once did you stalk him and know his every movement?"

"I was killed right after graduation. I never had any chances to stalk him outside of the academy." Akari told him as she walked back and forth from one side of the room to the other side of the room. "Besides, this lifetime changed so much already, I wouldn't know where to start. Rin and I are not that close in this lifetime."

"Out of everyone here, you are the closest person to him." Dean said back. "Even though in this lifetime, you are estranged to one another. With all your past lifetime experience together, you still know him the most. You're still considered the person closest to him. So think, the Rin you know of the past and the Rin you know today. Where would he be? Where could he have gone to?"

Akari scratched the back of her head in frustration. She had no idea.

"Lets make a home call to Delan and Donovan."  Akari said as she began to change her clothes.  "Maybe they will know something we don't."

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