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After that day Rin's actions changed towards Akari.  It was going right along with what happened in the past so Akari didn't pay any mind to it. Their vacation was spent apart.  Akari was with her family and Rin with his. He no longer visited her. When they came back from vacation. Akari kept to herself and yet trouble would always come find her. 

After three months of rumors spreading around about Akari, Rin knocked on her door one evening.  Lena answered and invited him in. Rin looked around Akari's room and a sense of calm came over him.  He shook his head from side to side as if clearing this thoughts.

"We need to talk."  Rin said as he pulled out a seat next to Rin. 

Rin sat at her desk reading a book and had ignored him the whole time.

"What is this I keep hearing about you?"  Rin asked. "There's a lot of rumors about you going around.  Aren't you going to speak up and clear it up?"

When his questions were met with silence, he got angry.

"If you didn't do any of those things they are accusing you of, why are you not speaking up about it!  They are dragging your name through the mud!" Rin yelled at her. "What do you have to say about this?!?"

When his questions were met with more silence he got mad.  Rin reached out and grabbed her book. He snatched it away from Akari and threw it across the room. 

"What do you have to say about the rumors about bullying Kiko!" Rin shouted louder. 

Akari sat back in her chair and she began to laugh.  Her laughter was not pleasant to hear. It sounded cold and menincing. 

"So the real question finally comes out!" Akari said as she turned to stare at him. 

"No!" Rin said defensively.  "I want answers to both!"

"You want answers to both, but the only one you care about are the ones regarding you precious Kiko."  Akari said.

Rin's hand tighten into a fist.  She was right. Everyday, Kiko would come crying to him, but wouldn't reveal why she was crying.  When the rumors began circulating that Akari was bullying Kiko and Kiko didn't want to tell Rin, because Akari and Rin were friends and she didn't want to break their friendship. She didn't tell him and decided to suffer Akari's bullying alone.

"Akari!  Can't you answer this question I ask you just once in your life without making so hard!" 

"Yes."  Akari told him. 

"Yes?" Rin repeated in surprise and doubt. 

"So what if I bully her.  What are you going to do about it? You going to cry to your daddy and mommy about it so they can speak to my parents?  You going to tell your parents not to do business with my parents? Are you going to punish me by hitting me? Or are you going to bully me instead?" Akari asked.  "What are you going to do, crybaby?"

Rin suddenly felt as if his heart was hit with a rock.  It felt stuffy. The girl he liked was getting bullied by his friend.  A friend who he looked up to. A friend who didn't have any schemes. She was straight forward with her actions and words.  How could she have changed so much. It was as if he didn't recognise her anymore.

"You stop bullying Kiko or I'll make you regret it."  Rin told her.

"How are you going to make me regret it, crybaby?"

Rin's jaw locked with anger at her words. 

"How did you become this way?  It's like I don't even know you anymore."

"You never knew me at all." 

Rin pushed his chair back and stomped away from her.  Speaking to her made him angry. So angry that if he didn't leave, he would do or say something he would regret. 

"Keep away from Kiko."  Rin warned her through his teeth.  "I'll make sure that not only you, but your family will regret it!" 

"Touch my parents in anyway and I'll let you know how it feels like to be a poor commoner."  Akari said back coldly. "I'll guarantee it. Then we'll see how long your lovely Kiko will stay by your side." 

"You--" Rin began to say but stopped himself before leaving the room. 

He was the one who threatened her family first.  It was her right to defend herself. The further he walked away from Akari's room, the more he wanted to run back to see her.  To speak to her. Even if it meant they were arguing. As long as she was in front of him, he felt that everything would be alright. 

Why did he feel so guilty towards Akari?  Why would he say those words to Akari? She wasn't like the rumors said about her, then why did he even question it in the first place?  His head suddenly felt as if a veil had lifted and he could start seeing clearly. A headache came on quickly as he made his way towards his room.

Shane caught Rin the moment he entered his room.

"Young Master!"  Shane cried out as he placed Rin in his bed.  "I'll call the doctor."

"No. Don't.  I'm fine. Just have a headache."  Rin told him.

"Very well.  I'll give you some medicine.  You rest. If it doesn't get better by tomorrow, I'll have to call a doctor." 


Rin closed his eyes and only opened his mouth to eat the medicine that Shane gave him.  Once the medicine took over he slept. And when he slept, he dreamt. Inside of the dream, he was getting ready to pick Akari up to escort her to the end of the year celebration. 

When he opened the door, all his friends stood outside his room along with Kiko, Mollie and Sophine.  The moment he saw Kiko, all thoughts of Akari were gone. He left with them and that night he danced all night with Kiko and confessed to her.  The words he was saying to her were words that were not true.

Although he did think she was beautiful the first time he saw her.  He didn't have any feelings for her. In fact, he avoided her and her friends because they tried to frame her for bullying Kiko. 

Then why did he say those things?  Why is it that when he is with Kiko, he felt feelings of love and yet there were moments of disgust? Why did it feel like there was a veil covering his eyes and he can't think correctly when he's with Kiko.  But the moment he sees Akari, the moment he's near Akari. Everything just seems so right.

Those rumors going around about Akari were not true.  He knew. Even the ones about her bullying Kiko. He knew to his very bones that they were not true.  Then why did he even confront Akari? Why did he get into an argument with Akari? Why did Akari admit to something she didn't do? Why would she make him mad? 

"Rotten girl."  Rin whispered in his sleep. 

Shane stood by Rin's side and sighed heavily.  Even in his sleep he calls for Akari and yet he's with Kiko.  Even in his heart he didn't know what he wants. Shane shook his head side to side and turned off the lights to let his Young Master sleep.

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