Worth It

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A/N: This chapter is NSFW.  -ptd

Akari woke up with a jerk, as her body jumped up from the bed. The warm blanket over her and the warm body who held her were quickly removed as Akari sat up. Silent tears began to fall as she remembered feeling the slice of death on the back of her neck.

"What's wrong?" Dean asked as he held her shaking body. "Did you have a nightmare?"

Akari shook her head yes and continued to quietly cry. Reliving her death reminded her of the other 98 deaths. The cold blade hitting her skin, slicing through flesh and bone. The loud cheers of the people and the sinking feeling that all of this would happen again and again. The unending cycle of a nightmare that she had to live. Her ill fate and bad luck.

After a long while, her tears stopped falling and the silence filled the air. Dean kept rubbing her back to comfort her. Her rock. The man who changed her fate was beside her.

"You want to talk about it?" Dean whispered once he figured out that Akari had calmed down.

"My dream was a memory from my last lifetime." Akari confessed as she began to fill him in on what happened.

Once she finished, Dean pulled back away from her, tilted her head up and kissed her lips lightly. He placed butterfly kisses all over her face before holding her close to him again.

"It's all in the past now." Dean reassured her. "Nothing will happen to you in this lifetime. I promise you. You'll live to see your 21st birthday for the first time in 2000 years. Then live the rest of your life until you're 1000 years old."

Akari nodded her head yes, letting the silence and his embrace give her the comfort she needs.

"Dean." Akari said after some time.


"If my suffering for 99 lifetimes meant reincarnating for the 100th time so I would meet you in this lifetime. Everything would be worth it."

Dean's heart burst as he felt it fill up to the brink with her sweet words. His Akari didn't deserve to suffer for so long, just for the chance to meet him.

"Akari..." Dean whispered as he passionately kissed her.

Akari did not open her mouth fast enough to receive his kiss that he bit down on her lip in frustration. Once she opened her mouth, his tongue invaded hers and devoured her completely.

Akari's mind completely went blank as their kiss intensified. His hot breath and his rough hands against her soft skin drove her out of her mind.

She didn't know when or how Dean got her night clothes and his clothes off without her noticing. When his skin touched hers, her body glued itself to him, not letting him go.

Her hands touched every inch of his back and his buttcheeks, squeezing it hard. Her legs had already held his hips tightly against her wet waterfalls. Her nails began to drag up and down Dean's back, as if it was crying out to him to quench her thirst.

With very little foreplay, Dean leaned back far enough to adjust himself before plunging his stiff manhood into her entrance. His one thrust into her already caused her to cum. Her slick and tight walls twitched violently against him, it squeezed and tightened so much he groaned loudly into her mouth as they continued to kiss.

Akari was so tight. So wet and so warm. He almost came right then and there as well, however he felt a need to claim her. To remind her that she belonged to him, just as much as he belonged to him. He needed to make her feel as if they were of one body and soul.

His movements were strong and slow, reminding Akari of his length and thickness. Everytime he pushed into her, she could feel every inch. Every time he pulled out, she could feel his width.

"Ah!" Akari cried out everytime Dean slammed into her.

His movements were torturous. It was slowly building her climax as he held her tightly. Their eyes stared into each other as they felt their souls connect and claiming one another. With each thrust, Akari felt so full and complete. And yet, so open and exposed.  Without warning, her second climax erupted, causing her whole body to shake and her back to arch.

Dean had hit her sweet spot over and over again, slowly and repeatedly. When Akari came, Dean quickened his pace, slamming into her faster and faster. Her tight walls squeezed his member, viberated and shook over and over as he made sure her climax came in waves of ecstasy.

Dean held her attention as he watched as her eyes shined with pleasure. Her nails dug into his back, causing him to bleed, but he didn't even notice it. Her hips rose up to meet him halfway and her legs that encircled his hips brought him close to her body each time he pushed into her.

"More." Akari cried out as she felt wave after wave of pleasure run through her body. "More."

Dean kissed Akari deeply before burying his head between the nook of her shoulder. He bit down and suck on her skin and he pistoned himself into her.

"Dean." Akari cried into his ear. She repeated his name like a montra, encouraging him and praising him.

When he finally came into her, Akari had lost count of how many times she came. Her whole body was slick with sweat. Dean pulled out and sat up. He watched as his essence slowly dripped out of her twitching hole. His meat stick stood up again, eager to be put to work again.

Dean flipped Akari to her front as he pinned her closed legs together. With the help of his hand, he led his penis back into her leaking, wet hole and entered her again as if it was the first time.

Akari moaned into the pillow and she bit into it. Dean was driving her out of her mind. Everything he did to her caused her to feel so good. So well loved. So well protected. So happy.

That night, Dean didn't let her go. He made sure to let her know, just how much he cherishes her. Just how much his fate changed the day he met her. Just how much she was worth it.

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