I thought

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I woke up to Andy screaming. He has really bad nightmares all the time. I rolled out of my bed and crawled in his bed wrapping my arms around him

" it's okay I'm here it's okay" I kept saying as he cried into my chest

" I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to wake you up" he said

" don't be sorry... Andy I..." I started before I realized what I was about to say i can't tell him I like him if I do that it'll means I'm... I'm not...
He pulled his head away from my chest I looked into his eyes.

" you stopped talking" he said wiping away his tears
We both sat up now looking at each other

" yeah I was just gonna say uh that I will never be mad at you over having nightmares" I said
thank God I think fast

" oh okay" he said I could tell he was tired

" you want to try and get some sleep" I asked he shook his head and look down

" I'm scared I'll see it again" he said barely in even a whisper
I scooted closer to him

" what was it about" I asked he didn't look up he just pinched the tip of his finger making it go red. I wrapped my hands around his getting him to stop

" I-I don't know how to.." he said

" you don't know how to what" I said
he looked up at me

" I don't know how to talk about it" he said

" I've never talked about my nightmares before it scared me to much" he said then looked back down

" you don't have to tell me" I said that's when I realized I was still holding his hands which made me jump and let go of his hand. I climbed out of his bed and went over to mine. He just sat there looking at me.

"Just try and get some sleep" I said and faced the wall

" Rye" he said I just ignored him pretending I'm asleep he said it a couple more times before I heard his bed squeaking. I guess because he was laying down.

In the morning I woke up and when I sat up I looked around and notice Andy wasn't in the room. I began to freak out I ran to the bathroom he wasn't in there. I started panicking I ran out of the room to the other boys room. Maybe he is in there then everything will be okay I kept thinking. I started only being able to hear my heartbeat threw my ears. When I reached their door I ran in to see. Mikey in one bed and Jack
And Brook in the other but Andy wasn't in here. I felt like I couldn't breath

" rye" Andy said I turned to see him with food in his hands walking into the room

" why weren't you in are room" I screamed so loud it woke up the boys

" I left last night. I tried to tell you but you fell asleep to fast" he said looking down

" why did you leave" I screamed again

" because every time I have a nightmare Mikey cuddles me until I go to sleep and I knew you wouldn't want to"he said still looking down
I stood there for a second trying to come up with something else to say I felt my eyes felling with water

" I'm gonna get dressed"  I said and left the room before anyone could say anything. The moment I got in the room I sunk to the ground crying. I thought he was gone. I thought he... I thought...
I hugged my knees crying into them.

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