The agreement

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Andy POV
this chapter involves self harm!! could be a trigger for some people

After that me and Rye were inseparable. We spent the whole show being super cute and cuddle. We had the fans cheering the whole time.

" can I kiss you it will make the roadies go crazy" he whispered in my ear with a huge smile. My face went insanely red. I wanted him to kiss me but I knew if we kissed like we use to before I told him I liked him. I wouldn't ever want to stop.

"No" I said to him his smile went away completely

"Oh I understand if you don't want to" he said quietly I pulled him to the back of the stage

" it's not that I don't want to. It's that I do" I said he stood there for a second putting together what I mean then his face went red

" oh" is all he said

" yeah so you can't kiss me" I said and walked back to the front of the stage and started singing again
He stood there for a good minute before coming and singing

After the show Blair came up rye and said

" I'm glad you listened to me and started acting like y'all use to"

" what do you mean" I said really confused

" I told Rye that you two needed to me more cutesy with each other for the roadies" Blair said looking at his phone it started ringing

" listen I have to take this" Blair said walking away
I turned to Rye who looked sad

" so that's why you've been acting like everything back to normal" I said

" Andy" he said stepping close to me

" no I understand of course nothing can be normal I ruined everything" I said stepping back

" Andy please" he said trying to give me a hug but I knew he was only doing it because of Blair so I turned and ran away from him.

I ran into are room tears going down my face.I walked into the bathroom and pulled out my knife. I looked into the mirror and saw nothing but hatred. I tried so hard not to hate my self but I can't do it I'm horrible and I can't do it anymore. As my blood started to drip on the floor I felt two arms wrap around me. It was Rye

" please" I heard Rye say crying

" please don't leave me" he said

" I'm sorry" I cried

" I just don't know how to be happy you use to make me happy but then I ruined it" I screamed he held me tighter

" I ruined everything" I cried

" I ruined everything"

" I ruined everything"
I kept saying it! I couldn't stop saying it.

Soon I calmed down and I was sitting on the counter Rye was cleaning my cuts and rapping them.

" I'm sorry" I said he looked into my eyes

" I have a proposition for you" he said as he finished rapping my arm and looked into my eyes I nodded

"We are gonna make a relationship agreement like in the Big Bang theory which will say that... We are gonna be more then friends" he said which made my eyes get big

"what do you mean" I said looking into his eyes

" I know you like me and you can say what you want in the relationship and we will do it along with what I want" he said looking down

" so what do you want" he said I sat there thinking
that this could be my one chance to have him

" I want to go on dates" I said

" okay and I want to go on dates with other people" he said which confused me

"I'm not gay but I'll do this for you but I want to be able to have fun with girls too" he said I don't know why but it kinda made since I shouldn't get to ask him to just like me. I'm not worth that

" okay but you kiss me when ever I want and you can't sleep with anyone else" I said his eyes got huge

"N-Not that we are gonna sleep together I just meant-" I started as he interrupted me

"Okay you can kiss me when ever you want and I'll kiss you when I want and I wont sleep with anyone but I don't know if I'm ready to sleep with you in that way" he said smiling but it gave me an idea

" you have to sleep with me every night and I mean actually sleep so if I have a nightmare you'll be there" I said he smiled

" okay but you have to say three nice things about your self everyday" he said

" but you don't get anything out of this" I said he thought for a second

"Okay you wake me up by kissing me every morning I always wanted someone to do that" he said smiling

" keep going" I said

" hold my hand. I really like holding hands"he said blushing

" I like holding hands to" I said smiling

" okay so what do we do now" I said

" I think we should finish it with a kiss" he said getting close to me

" are you sure about this I mean we don't have-" I started but he interrupted me by pushing his lips onto mine. We started moving in sink. My arms wrapped around his neck. His arms wrapped around my waist.

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