The lies we live with

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Ryes POV
I pulled away and looked at Andy he was blushing. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't I had to kiss him.
I couldn't have him know that.

" there I know you've wanted that all day" I said hoping he would believe me

" yeah I did" he said grabbing the back of my neck and connecting are lips again. We started moving in sink. Why did this feel so good. Why did I never want it to stop. Oh god I want to know what his mouth taste like. I thought when I started hearing Mikey calling us I almost forgot that we just left them.

" tell them that I forgot something" I said to Andy which made his smile go away. He then looked down and nodded. We walked back to the boys.

" hey where did y'all go" Brook said

" I forgot my wallet" I said before Andy could say anything I was scared he would tell them what happened

" funny because I went in there to look for y'all and you guys weren't in there" Mikey said
I started to panic. When Andy started to laugh

" see I told it would work Rye" Andy said looking at me and patting my shoulder I was so confused

" when we saw you come in we decided to play the hide from Mikey game" he said laughing so hard even I was believing him

" I didn't think it would work that well" he said and smiled

Mikey just rolled his eyes and started walking away with the other boys. I forgot how good of a liar Andy was. I remembered before he told us how sad he was he use to seem like the happiest person on earth. He never seemed like he ever let anything get to him. When in reality he shattered into thousands of pieces. That's when I realized I had my arms around Andy.I let him go and looked at him. I felt a tear run down my face but he wiped it away before I could

" don't worry they don't know" he said smiling he started to walk away to catch up with the boys it killer me that he thought that's why I was sad.
But why would he think different. I sighed and walked to the others putting my arm on Brooks shoulder.

Me and Andy were super cute all threw the show.After the show was over we were talking to some fans when this girl started hitting on me.

" you are definitely the hottest one of the band" she said

" coming from a gorgeous girl like you that is definitely a complement" I said smiling at her

" can I take a picture with you" she said

" of course" I said I went to pose when she turned my face connected are lips. She pulled away blushing.

" thanks that's a great photo" she said smiling

" then we should take more" I said

" maybe after your done here we can get some dinner" she said touching my arm

" sounds good to me" I said smiling she kissed my check then walked away I just shook my head when I looked over. Andy face was red. I started walking over to him

" are you okay your face is red" I asked he stood there for a good minute looking at me then he looked down

" yeah I'm really hot" he said

" I'll take over if you need to get some air" I said
He just nodded and walked to the door and walked out of it.

Andy POV

I walked out the door and I leaned against the wall and sunk to ground. I felt the tears running down my face I agreed to this I knew what it meant but watching him kiss that girl killed me. I stayed there for awhile before heading back in. When I walked in Rye came running over to me.

" are you okay" he said with concern in his voice

" yeah I'm fine" I said smiling at him

" good we only have a couple more minutes before we are gonna get kicked out of here" he said looking at the owner who was telling everyone that's it's time to go

" I'm gonna go hangout with this girl but I'll be back before you go to bed" he said smiling he went to walk away when I grabbed his arm

" remember you can't sleep with her is you do we are done" I said firmly

" is that a threat" he said with a little anger in his voice and on his face

" no I'm telling you a fact" now anger going threw my voice his face lost all the anger on it he just nodded before he walked away.

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