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Andy POV

I flung up out of the bed screaming. Sweat running down my body.
Rye jumped over to me wrapping his arms around me

" it was just a nightmare" he said rubbing my back

" it's not real" he said kissing all over my face and neck

" I'm sorry I woke you up" I said shaking

" shhh don't be sorry" he said pulling me back on the bed. He went and laid on his side of the bed. I laid down on my side. I laid there for awhile before rye spoke

"You can't sleep? Can you?" He asked

" no" I said he sat up and pulled me up so we both were sitting up

" I have an idea" he said

" what" I said hesitant

"I'll do whatever you ask" he said seductively

"Why" I asked

" because it will make you tired" he said leaning in and kissing me. I laid down and he started to kiss down my neck.
After my nightmare I didn't want to do this but I just laid there. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.Soon he pushed himself up with his hands.

" what's wrong" he said

" nothing" I said

" then why aren't you moving" he said looking into my eye

"I'm sorry" I said putting my hands on his chest

" there are you happy now" I said he sat up straddling me.

" I thought you liked when I kissed you" he said with sadness in his voice

" I do I just don't... I feel... Can we not do this now I'm just sad and I... I'm sorry" I said tears started running down my face I put my hands over my face.
He pulled my hands away.

" I wanted to make you feel better. What do you want to do?" He said

" can you hold me" I said looking into his eyes. He smiled and nodded he climbed off me and he pulled me close to him. Wrapping his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest. I felt so much peace.I drifted to sleep.

When I woke up I sat up to see that I was laying on top of rye. He was still asleep. I started kissing all over his face like he did to me last night.

" wake up sexy" I said and then I kissed his lips I felt him kiss back. I pulled away and looked at him. He was smiling at me

" good morning babe" he said putting his hand on my check. He pulled me close and started to kiss me. He opened his mouth a little and I stuck my tongue in his mouth. Are tongues started to moving inSync.
When the boy knocked on my door.I jumped of Rye which made him moan. Him moaning made me smile I liked knowing he enjoyed himself. I walked to the door and opened it.

" hey boys" I said as they walked in the room

" why are you so smile" Mikey said

" I'm just happy" I said which made everyone look at me

" what I can't be happy" I said a little annoyed

" yes we are just really happy to hear you say that" Brook said

" alright boys get dressed we need to go" Mikey said

" okay" me and Rye said the boys nodded and walked out.

Me and Rye got dressed we were about to walk out the when Rye put hand up against the door.

" can I ask you something" he asked I turned and looked into his eyes

" are you this happy because of me" he said

" yeah" I said he started blushing.

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