Laying beside me

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Andy POV
I woke up with him laying beside me. I couldn't function. Rye is actually laying by me he kissed me last night it was so passionate. It was perfect. It lasted for a good ten seconds before he pulled away. His face was red and he then proceeded to say

" let go to bed" he held my hand all the way to the bed. He crawled onto his side of the bed and Laid down.I laid on the other side and looked at his eyes. I slowly drifted to sleep.

Which leads us to the present when I'm looking at him sleep. I looked over at the time and saw that we are supposed to be leaving soon to meet up with the boys.

" rye get up we need to get going" I said shaking him then standing up and get my outfit for the day and throwing it on. When I looked at Rye he was sitting up in bed giving me a look like he was angry.

" what we have to go" I said putting my shoes on when I stood back up Rye was standing in front of me.

" you said you would wake me up every morning by kissing me" he said not even in a whisper. I knew it hurt him I could see it on his face. I pushed him up against. I was not thinking I just wanted to make it up to him. I leaned where are lips were almost touching

" I'm sorry I'll never do it again" I said about to touch are lips when he pushed me away

" no I'm upset" he said then smirked

" so as your punishment you can't kiss me until I kiss you first" he said which made me laugh

" what" he said looking confused

" I've waited to really kiss you for three years Rye I can wait a little longer" I said smiling he just smirked again then came close to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

" but I wasn't ever trying to make you want to kiss me. I can be rather persuasive" he said god I wanted him to kiss me just when are lips were about to touch he pushed me on the bed and smirked. He started to get dressed.

" ready" he said when he pulled his shirt down

" yeah" I said realizing this is gonna be harder then I thought

   Soon after that we meet up with the boys. We worked on a couple songs for the show tonight it. We only have four more show before it's over so we decided to make the last four the best ones. Soon we realized that we hadn't eaten. So we all decided to go get lunch. We all sat down at the table.

     I was sitting by Rye.I was eager to sit by Rye we hadn't really have a chance to talk since this morning. We all were talking like normal when I felt Ryes leg move up against mine. I turned to him but he wasn't looking at me he was caring on a conversation with Brook. I turned back to Mikey and started talking to him. Maybe he didn't realize he put his leg against mine I thought.

As soon as I thought that I felt his hand on my leg I started blushing not daring to look over at him. He started rubbing my leg which was going to make my pants tight if he didn't stop. I put my hand on his thinking he would pull his hand away instead he turned his hand so that he was holding my hand. A huge smile appeared on his face I knew that holding my hand is what he wanted all along. He is so cute. I want to kiss him so bad.

     Soon the food arrived Rye wouldn't let go of my hand so we both just eat with one hand but it didn't really bother me. When we finished eating and everyone started to get up he let go of my hand. It's was as if my hand missed his.When we started to walk out I turned and looked at Rye and whispered

" you know if you want to hold my hand all you have to do is ask... Id love to hold your hand anytime you want" he started blushing and yanked me around then corner of the building. Before I could say anything he had push up against the side of the build and his lips were on mine.

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