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    I know a year and half is a long stretch so let me catch you up with the important stuff. I came out as bi and got a lot of hate but also love from it.We got picked up from a record company and now roadtrip is the most popular boy band there is. Brook and Jack got married in Las Vegas on are first tour with the record company. Mikey is seeing some girl but she lives far away so they don't see each other that much. Andy started dating a guy named Randy and fell in love. Randy is nice guys even though I really didn't want to like him I do he is a good guy and more importantly he treats Andy amazing and on their year anniversary Randy asked Andy to marry him and Andy said yes which leads us to today the hardest day of my life the day I have to say goodbye to the man I love.

        I was one of Andy grooms men, all of us boys were. I know it was stupid idea to say yes to it but what was I supposed to say no I'm sorry I can't I'm madly in love with you and watching you marry him is going to kill me. Yeah that wasn't going to happen.

      All the boys knew this was hard for me they tried to be there for me but it was Andy's day and they needed to be there for him. Which I understood completely.

I looked at Andy who was laughing with the boys. I was still standing in front of the mirror. I couldn't seem to move I just stood there. Breaking in a thousand pieces and hoping no one else saw. Andy looked at me then walked over to me.

" you okay" Andy asked looking concerned

" yeah I'm just- I'm really happy for you" I said fighting not to cry

" are you sure your okay" he said I looked into his eyes... Maybe if I tell him things might ch-

" we need to take pictures" Randy said yanking me out of my thoughts

" shoot sorry I completely forgot" Andy said then ran out of the tent. I watched as he ran over to where the chairs that are placed for the wedding. He never wanted an outside wedding but Randy did so they are having an outside one.

" hey you okay" Mikey said rubbing my back trying to Comfort me. That's when I saw randy pull Andy in and kiss him and every inch of me shattered as I sunk to the ground tears rolling down my face.

" I - I can't watched him marry him. I thought I could but I can't" I said standing up and getting the car keys

" Rye but-" Brook started before I cut him off

" could you do it if it was Jack" I said he looked at jack and shook his head no

"  hurry before he comes back" brook said
I took the keys then ran outside on the car ride home. I thought of every amazing moment that had happen between me and Andy and how no matter whatever happened I would always love him.

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