That is when...

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  Andy POV

     The rest of tour was amazing every second we spent together was perfect. I caught myself hoping that he felt the same as I do. I even thought I saw something special when he looked at me. Maybe he like me to...
Maybe he-

" ANDY" Jack screamed

" what sorry I wasn't listening" I said

" I asked if you could help us take the bags inside" Jack said and the others kinda laughed at how I was stuck in my thoughts. We just arrived back home from tour. I nodded grabbing a couple bags.

  We had been home for a couple hours me and Rye were laying in his bed watching a movie.
He was coming out of the bathroom.

" hey Andy" he said looking down

" yeah" I said looking at him he looked at me his face was red

" can I kiss you..." he said I sat up pulling him on the bed

" yeah that's part of the deal" I said and pecked his lips I went to pull away he grabbed my face pulling me onto his lips. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. I saw something in them that I've never seen before....Could it be....Love??? At that moment I didn't care about anything else but me and him. I laid down pulling him on top of me. He started kissing me putting his tongue in my mouth. We started moving inSync. I pulled his shirt off and he pulled mine off he started kissing down my neck. Sucking living love bits. I moaned at his touch which made him smile. I flipped us over so that I was on top. I started kissing down his body. I got to his pants and started taking them off.

" no!" He said stopping me I was confused did I do something wrong

" I want to..." he started before sighing then pushing me back down and kissing down to my pants and then pulling them down. Then pulling of my underwear. He put me in his hand I already was hard from kissing him.

" can I" He asked I nodded he smiled he seemed nervous.
He started kissing my thighs teasing me. When he got to my cock he licked it from bottom to top. Making me moan.

" what um what do you like" he said looking into my eyes

" uh I don't know I like it all" I said he nodded he looked so nervous

" Rye if you don't want to-"I started as Rye put me in his mouth. Making me moan he started going up and down.

" rye" I said grabbing onto his hair.
He took me out of his mouth and swirled his tongue around me. Then got to tip and started sucking on it. I had never had someone do that and it felt so good. He went as far down as could before he started gagging. He took me out of his mouth looking at it.

" I'm sorry I'm so big" I said which made him laugh

" you are the only person who would ever apologize for that" he said then put me back in his mouth. I started moaning.
It's went on like that for a good five more minutes it was so amazing I almost didn't notice when rye closed his eyes showing how much he was enjoying himself but it only stayed like that for a second before. I saw fear go threw his eyes and him take me out of his mouth and started jerking me off. When I finally came he wiped his fingers. Then got up putting on his shirt.

" want to watch a movie" he said I nodded putting on my clothes.

" are you okay" I said worried everything was ruined

" yeah everything is fine."
That is when everything started going bad.

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