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Andy POV

I woke up to rye laying beside me he looked so peaceful. I smiled remembering how I use to wake him up. I got up trying to be really quiet I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of cold water and slowly walked back in the room and poured it all over him. Which made him fling up.

" ANDY" he screamed I smiled

" morning" I said turning around and walking in the kitchen

" ASSHOLE" he screamed I laughed a little at that

Soon he came in the kitchen.

" why would you-" he started but stopped when he saw my face and smiled bigger then I've seen him in awhile

" what?" I asked

" your smiling and it's not your fake smile" he said
I just smiled more

" God I missed your smile" he said which made me blush
STOP IT ANDY I thought

"Andy" he said which made me look at him

" do you uh... Do you..." he said

" do I what" I asked starting to worry he sighed

" do you miss me" he asked

" no your right in front of me" I said trying to lighten the mood

" you know... Never mind" he said walking away to his room.

" yes" I said load enough for him to hear it
He turned and looked at me I could see tears in his eyes.

" I miss you to" he said walking closer to me I took a step back which made him stop

" it doesn't change anything does it "  he said

" I'm sorry Rye" I said

" i understand you can't forgive me" he said I started laughing he looked at me like I was crazy

" Rye I forgave you right after" I said

"Then what's wrong" he said I sighed knowing that this was going to be hard

"  I don't trust you anymore" I said his eyes were so big

"And I don't know if I ever can" I said he looked heart broken. Why did he look heart broken...

" I see..."he said quietly

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I started before he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.
I couldn't even talk all I did was hold him.

" thank you" he said up against my neck

"Why are you thanking me" I asked

" because I'm thankful you were honest" he said looking into my eyes. Then before I knew it his lips were on mine. I could have just melted There.He pulled away and his eyes were huge

" I'm sorry... I- I didn't mean- I'm gonna go take a shower" he said then ran off. Did he just... After I said.... I'm so confused...

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