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Andy's POV

I was trying to focus on what Blair was saying about the show tonight. I don't want it to go bad because of stupid me ruining everything like always. When I looked over I saw Rye staring at me.

" what is there something on my face" I said freaking out a little

" no you just looked stressed" he said looking into my eyes. Sometimes I wish he didn't look me in the eyes it always makes it hard for me.

" I just...I'm nervous about the show tonight" I said

" don't be you are one of the most talented people I've ever met" he said wrapping his arms around me I Feel safe. I feel a safety I haven't felt in a long time. Before I knew it the hug was over and he just walked away.

It was about an hour before are concert. We all were just sitting around backstage. When I heard my phone ding.

(Text message)

(Hey). Rye sent

(Heyyy). I sent still confused why he was texting me

(What ya doin?!?). He sent

(Texting you what are you doing). I sent

(Text this really amazing guy.... and you😜😱). He sent I couldn't help but laugh

( whatever jerk🤣). I sent

( want to play a game????). He sent

( what's the game). I sent

( 20 questions you get 10 I get 10 and we both have to answer all the questions even if we ask it). He sent

( Okay you start). I sent

( 1 how old were you when you had your first kiss?)
He sent

(13 she had braces and she cut my lip with them🤣🤣) I sent

(I was 12 my older brothers girlfriend dared me to kiss her friend). He sent

(1 Who was your best kiss) I sent
I looked up to see him blushing

( if I answer this honestly I don't want hear about after this okay). He sent

(Okay) I sent confused about why he would hear about it

( you are the best.) He sent I almost jumped out of my seat

(Really?????). I. Sent I looked up and he locked eyes with me and nodded

( what about you). He sent

( definitely you) I sent I looked up the moment I sent it to his reaction. The moment he read the text he grew the biggest smile

(2 who was your worse kiss) he sent

( definitely the braces girl🤣). I sent

(Hahahaha yeah I forgot about her) he sent

( mine was brook love him to death but his kissing style and mine don't clash well together). He sent

( wow really I never knew that). I sent

(2Who was your first love). I sent

( her name is Amber she was amazing I loved her with every inch of my heart ). He sent

(my first loves name was Riley she cheated on me all the time until one day she got sick of me and left)
I sent he looked up from his phone looking at me when he read that

( you deserve so much more) He sent

(Hahaha) I sent

( what's funny) He sent

( I'm worthless I don't deserve anything🤣). I sent I looked up to see Rye but he wasn't over where he was setting I got up and started looking for him.

After about 15 minuets of looking I stepped outside to see Rye sitting on the concrete hugging his knees.

" rye" I said which made him left his head his eyes were puffy and he had tears going down his face

" do-don't s-say thi-things li-like th-that" he stuttered
I leaned down wrapping my hands around him

" I'm sorry" I said holding him.

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