The confession

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Andy's POV

We had just finished shooting the music video on are way home. Me and Rye were in the back seat.

" hey you want to play a game" he said looking into my eyes

" sure" I said smiling

" the game is Marry Kill or Fuck" he said smiling

" okay" I said laughing

" Selena Gomez's Justin Bieber and Jessica Alba" he said I sat there for a second processing

" I would marry Selena Gomez Fuck Jessica Alba and kill Justin Bieber. What about you" I said

"Same as you i would marry Selena but I would fuck Justin hard core so I guess Jessica got to die" he said which made me laugh

"Okay Justin Timberlake Nicki Minaj or Jennifer Lawrence" I asked

" I would marry Justin Timberlake kill Nicki Minaj and fuck Jennifer Lawrence" he said seeming to be proud of him self

" what's up with you and Justins" I said laughing

" you think I have sexual tension with them you should see me with Andrews" He said staring at me which made me freeze I could feel my face heating up I had know clue what to do

" what would you do" he asked I think wanting to changing the subject

" I do the same as you" I said looking anywhere but at his eyes

"Okay Brook Jack and me" he said smiling I didn't have to think at all though I knew my answer

" I would marry you or fuck you and I would kill the other two" I said smiling but it seemed to bother him for some reason

" what about you and you have to replace me with you" I said he sat there for a second

" I would marry brook fuck Jack and kill you" he said then started laughing a little when he saw I wasn't laughing he said

" I was just kidding I could never fuck Jack" he said smiling which made me smirk

When we arrived to the house me and Rye got ready for dinner.
I tried to look as good as possible but I'm fat and ugly so it kinda hard I took off my shirt looking at the scars on my arms and chest from cutting. I sighed I threw on a shirt that would cover all my scars the boys knew I like this shirt because of it.Then threw on my white skinny jeans.
I walked out to see Rye waiting for me he looked amazing like always.

" you look good fovvs" Rye said

" you don't look bad yourself" I said smiling

We arrived at the restaurant it took us forever to be seated. When we finally did I was so hungry I couldn't think straight I decided to tell him after dinner.
We started talking about random things how good of friends we are how nothing can ever change that when we were done with dinner Rye asked

" didn't you have to talk to me about something" he looked me dead in the eyes I was so scared

" yeah I want to to tell you that I like you" I said he looked confused

" of course you do we are best friends"he said I shook my head no I looked down

" I like like you and I want to know if you feel the same" I said it was a good minute of silence before I looked up I saw a look on Rye that I've seen before but never knew what it meant

" I'm sorry Andy but I don't... I don't feel the same" he said I just sat there trying not to cry

" right...that's fine...we can still be friends right" I said he looked at me and nodded with a fake smile but I knew things had changed.

We went home in complete silence when we walked in the door Rye started walking to his room I followed behinds turned to see me standing there

" what are you doing" he said I looked around

"We always watch movies in your room after we eat dinner" I said looking down now at the fact that I had ruined everything

" oh right will I'm tired to I'm going to bed Goodnight" he said shutting the door in my face before I could say anything.

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