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" I won't hurt you I promise" he said
I started freaking out I've never done this what if I mess up. I felt him lean forward and start kissing me. Maybe I can push it off... Maybe he doesn't even want to do it tonight.

" I can't wait to be with you" he said as he nibbles on my ear. Great this is just great

" are you cold" he asked yanking me out of my thoughts. Why is he asking that I shock my head at

" your shaking" he said looking at me but I force my face down to embarrassed to look at him

" I've never done this.... with a guy" I said scared he would judge me

" so?" He said I flung my head up to see a confused look on his face

" will I just... I didn't want to... You really don't care" I said unbelievable confused

" no I don't care why would I" he said

" what if I don't you know" I said but he just kept the confused face

" don't rock your world" I said he now looked like he got what I was saying

" Rye this is going to be perfect because it's you and me and yeah it's gonna be messy and it's gonna take a minute to learn what we both like but you know what they say practice makes perfect" he said smiling which made me smile

" God I love you" I said colliding our lips together
I was on top of him grinding my hips on his. He started moaning

" you ready" I asked

" only if you are" he said looking into my eyes I smiled and yanked my underwear off. Before I got any closer to him his face changed and he stopped me with one of his hands

" wait" he said as he stood up pulled his underwear on and walked back inside the apartment complex. I waited for him for awhile before my mind started freaking out did I do something wrong.

When I heard the door open again I looked at him he had a sheet ,a pillow ,a blanket and bottle of something. He laid don't the sheet the said

" so are skin doesn't get hurt" then put the blanket down

" so we don't freeze" he said the put the pillow down

" so we don't have neck aches" he said then lifted the bottle

" so I don't hurt you and you don't hurt me" he said which confused me

" what is that" I asked

" lube... It will help" he said I nodded he then pulled of his underwear and laid down on sheet waiting for me to decide what I was going to do. I climbed on top of him connecting are lips.

" what do I do now" I asked he smiled

" you put that stuff on your finger and you put it in me. Then another finger then the third one then you can put you in me" he said I nodded, I open the cap and squirted it on my finger. It smiled good. I found his hole then slowly put a finger in him. He moaned biting his bottom lip. I put the second one in maybe to soon because he jumped a little.

" sorry" I said scared I hurt him

" it's okay but it's not a race Rye take your time" he said I nodded
I started pumping in and of him making him moan loader and loader. I was so hard that is was becoming painful. I couldn't help it anymore. So I forced the third finger in but this time he enjoyed it

Oh god yeah" he said moan threw every word
I pulled them out making him wimpier

" can I put it in" I asked he nodded pulling my hips right in front of him. I put my cock at his entrance. I slowly went inside him. Making me and him both Moan. I started going in and out as he told be to go faster and I did so happily. I started going as deep as I possibly could. Fucking his perfect ass. I was going fast then slow the fast again. Soon I knew I was gonna cum. Before I could react I cam inside him. I pulled out

" I'm sorry" I said

"It's okay" he said

" but now it's your turn" he said smiling.

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