I don"t

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" what are you doing here?" I asked


" funny coming from the guy who is supposed to be getting married right now" I said probably not the smartest thing I've done. The anger on his multiplied

" HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME" he screamed

" it was my wedding Ryan" he said crap he used my name

" i'm sorry" I said

" no that's not good enough you're going to explain why you've left" he said anger coming out with every word

" because I couldn't watch you marry him" I said honestly

" why" he said looking into my eyes

"Why does it matter" I said scared to say why

" because I need to know" he said

" i'm in love with you" I said knowing that this would change things

"How long have you-" started as I interrupted him

" have I been love with you" I said he nodded

" since the day I met you I was just too stubborn to amid it until the day I saw those sketches you did and I-I don't know I always knew but that day made it click" I said trying to be honest he just nodded

" Andy why aren't you at your wedding" I asked needing to know the answer

" because... The person I wanted to see at the end of the aisle wasn't randy" he said looking down

" who did you want to see" I said he looked up staying silent

" please" I begged which made him look at me

"I have to know" I said shaking a little He looked at me and walked up to me putting his arms around me and pulling me in our lips meeting. It was a fast kiss but it felt so right it was everything I have wanted. He pulled away

" you Rye.... It's always been you" he said which made me so happy that I pushed my lips back onto his. He opened his mouth willing me to put my tongue in it which I was very willing to do we started traveling each others mouths. Soon both of us had our shirts off then our pants.

"Wait" I said pulling away

"What" he asked looking worried

" I just want to make sure. Your not engaged anymore right" I asked he smiled

" no I'm all yours"he said those words made me so happy I climbed on top of him. Kissing down his neck. I started sucking on different spots on his neck. He moaned which made me happy. I started kissing down his body. When I got to his boxers I looked up asking for permission

" i'm OK with it as long as you don't flip out this time" he said I rolled my eye pulling ofF his boxers releasing his huge member I forgot how big it was my mouth was watering.I wanted it so badly before he could even say anything I had him in my mouth licking and sucking.My God it was better than I remembered I wanted it I want it all. All of him I wanted him. I wanted to do everything I wanted him.

" can I put it in " I asked trying to sound calm even though I was freakin out.He smiled

" only if I can put it in after" he said I whined a little

" but your huge" I said he pulled my face so I was looking at him

" I won't hurt you I promise" he said connecting are lips again.

(Do you all love me again 😂)

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