Never give you the chance

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Rye POV (from earlier)

After that night I was broken. I liked it I'm not gay! I'm not gay! I couldn't help but be angry. I would kiss him but it was more like a peck because I was scared if I started kissing him like before I would never stop. When he kissed me in the mornings I would panic then make an excuse but I don't think he notices.
That's why I asked him to sleep in his bed. Hearing his scream at night makes me cry but I can't... I just can't

I was getting ready for some date I was going on with a girl named Amber . Andy walked in the room to see me shirtless.

" what are doing"  I snapped panicking I wanted him why do I want him

" I was just... I'm sorry" He said looking down I knew I hurt him but I didn't mean to

" it's fine" I said putting on a shirt

" can I kiss you" He said I lost all focus on everything around me all I want was to feel his lips Before I could think my lips were on his. My arms wrapped around him. I  pulled away panicking about how much I enjoys that.

" I have to... Do my hair" I said walking into my  bathroom hoping he didn't notice

"Remember don't sleep with anyone" he said I looked at him I could see a lot of hurt on his face  then I nodded
He walked out.
I finished my hair then. Walked out to see Amber. I smiled when I looked at Andy he looked so sad.
Soon we left.

we arrived to the club she loved we were there for a couple hours before they were closing. I was on my way to leave when she asked me to

" come home with me"

" I'm sorry I can't" I said

" I'm offering sex"

" I know" I said walking away when I heard her scream

" what are you gay" I turned and locked are lips every fear ever doubt came in my head and I said

" where do you live"


I was getting dressed. She was out cold on the bed. I can't believe I did this to Andy. I can't believe I slept with her. I was horrible person. I would never tell him he will never know.

When I arrived home all the lights were out. Thank God his asleep I can make up an excuse in the morning. I thought then I opened my bedroom door to see Andy sitting on the floor. He looked at me and his face went white

" hey" I said shutting my bedroom door.

" where have you been" Andy asked standing up

" the exited they stay open all night" I said walking into the bathroom when I turned on the light I saw why his face went white when he saw me. I had hickeys down my neck. I looked at Andy I could see how much it broke him

" Andy-"I started before he interrupted me

" exited closed at 1am it's five and don't tell me that you went to another club because she said that's the only club she goes to" he said

" Andy please-" I said but he didn't let me finish

" did you sleep with her" he asked this time I saw all the heart break I was causing

" yes" I said I knew I had to be honest even though we both already knew. We stood there for a second when I saw a tear run down Andy's face

" we are done" he said about to walk out the door before I stopped him

" please don't I'm so-" I said before he cut me off

" I had one thing that I couldn't handle one thing! I thought you care about me I thought maybe deep down you cared but you don't!" He screamed

" Andy I do care" I said Then I felt it he punched me across the face I was on the ground holding my face.

" YOU BROKE ME MORE THEN ANYONE ELSE YOU BROKE ME" he screamed then breathed in

"but don't worry Ryan I'll never give you the chance to do it again" he said then open the door and slammed it shut. I laid there crying.
I lost him.
I lost him.
                             I really lost him

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