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After that all I was filled with was anger probably to mask all the sadness. I was angry that I hurt him. I was angry because I lost him. I was angry because I cared about him more then he could know. I was angry because I wanted him. I was angry that the boys were mad at me. So I started drinking and drinking until I would get sick. Like tonight I was in my bathroom throwing up when I felt two hands on me. It was Andy

" come on" he said helping me to my bed and helping me change

" I miss you" I said trying to hug him

" no you don't your drunk" he said I grabbed his arms

" I'm drunk because I want you I want you I want you" I kept saying it until after he had laid me down and left the room. He didn't care about me anymore and I knew why.

The next day I woke up and instantly started drink I decided to invite Amber over if Andy wanted to not be together then I can't be with who ever I want. When she walked in all the boys face went white Andy was in the shower when he came out his face was different then I expected he didn't seem hurt he seemed happy.

" hey how are you" he said and gave her a hug
They were talking like they new each other for years

Soon we all were watching a movie when we wanted to watch a movie I had in my room Andy volunteered to get it and I went with him. The moment we walked in the room I pend him against the wall.

"What are you doing" I said he gave me a confused look

" you're the one pushing me against the wall" he snapped

" Aren't you hurting at all! Don't you miss me" I said

" because I miss you" I said pushing my lip onto his
It was sloppy I was all over the place I was so happy but before I knew it he pushed me away. So hard that I was on the floor. He whipped his mouth

" what the hell is wrong with you" he said

" I miss you I want you back" I said

" what do I have to do to prove it to you" I begged

" maybe tell me when your not drunk" he screamed then stormed out of the room.

The next day when I woke up it was after noon all the boys went to the gym. I went in the kitchen to get food when I saw a book hanging out of Andy pillow case. It's was the book he was given to put his emotions in. I opened up to the newest page.

 I opened up to the newest page

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I felt tears running down my face " I do care I more then care I love you!" I screamed then hit my knees I love him I really do love

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I felt tears running down my face
" I do care I more then care I love you!" I screamed then hit my knees
I love him I really do love.

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