Kill him

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Andy POV ( from earlier)

I walked in the tent and saw Rye standing in front of the mirror he looked so good in his suit.

"hey smile my wedding is an hour" I said I loved saying that I loved it so much.
I walked over to the boy we were discussing who was going down the aisle with who. When I realized Rye was still in front of the mirror.

" you okay" I asked Rye he looked at me then paused for a second

" yeah I'm just- I'm really happy for you" He said I could tell something was wrong why isn't he telling me

" are you sure your okay" I said he then looked into his eyes. What is he going to say

" we need to take pictures" Randy said yanking me out of my thoughts

" shoot sorry I completely forgot" I said then ran out of the tent. We walked over to the chairs were the wedding is going to take place.

" ow" I said slapping my arm where the mosquito was. God I hate outside weddings why did I agree to this. I always wanted to get married in a church or at least a building!!! But this is what Randy wanted so I gave it to him.

" do you want me to kiss it and make it better" he asked wrapping his arms around me. I smiled then he kissed my lips. Why does it.... why does it not... STOP ANDY!!! It's just the nerves talking!

After we took the photos I walked back in tent to see no Rye.

" where is Rye" I asked

" will he just-" Brook started then Mikey interrupted him

" he couldn't watch you marry him" he said

" what why" I said my chest started feeling tight

" YOU KNOW WHY ANDY" he yelled then looked down

" you've always known. You both are just acting like children! You love him you always have and I know he hurt you but I know for a fact that you trust him I think you have for a long time so why are you marrying this guy when you love Rye." He said all I could feel was anger. I looked at Mikey

" I want you to leave!" I said then turned and walked out of the tent. I stormed over to Randy's tent. I walked in and before he could say anything I started

" HE LEFT RYE JUST LEFT!!! He didn't say goodbye nothing how could someone do that!" I screamed
He just looked at me

" and Mikey is taking his side saying we belong together hello does he know we are at my wedding" I snapped

" are you in love with me" randy asked
I looked at him confused

" of course I love you" I said

" you've changed your medicine three times because you're not happy and you don't know why. You call me Rye on accident all the time. You say his name when you sleep. The day he came out as bi I saw something break in you. I thought it was because he didn't tell you first but now I think it's because you lost your chance to be with him" randy said

" randy-" I started before he cut me off

" I know you love me but I don't think your in love with me. So i'm going to ask you right here right now if I'm the one you want to see at the end of that aisle and if I am I will marry you right here in this tent and we can get married an hour early and I'll be worth it and I will never question it again you just answer " he said

I slammed the car door I'm gonna find Rye and kill him.

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