Wide awake

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I walked into the room to see Andy laying in bed.

" did you wait up for me" I said

" yeah I'm really tired" he said while rubbing his eyes but the moment he looked at me he seemed wide awake

" I'm sorry we couldn't get an Uber and this girl wouldn't get the memo that I thought she was annoying" I said laughing a little at the end
He just smiled looking down

" well the good thing is it didn't stop you from making out with her" he said and point at the mirror I looked and saw there was lipstick smeared across my lips. Before I could say anything he stood up

"I'm gonna go take a shower" he said walking past me

" I thought you were tired" I said he as he got a towel from a shelf he looked at me and smiled then looked down

" yeah I'm wide awake now" he said before going in the bathroom.
I was trying to think of a way to cheer him up when it hit me.

I swung the bathroom curtain open making Andy jump.

" wh-what are y-you do-doing" he stuttered as I started taking of my clothes and climbed in the shower.

" I have make up on my face I need to clean it off" I said looking at him up and down

" remind me never to call you small because you are definitely not small" I said not even caring how gay I sounded he is huge and he wasn't even hard I started biting my lip that's when I realized I was staring at it. I looked back at his face and he was as red as an apple. I smiled and he just turn the other way putting shampoo in his hair I just sat there amused by every inch of him. After he was done washing his hair he looked back at me then smiled.

" what" I said then he pointed down I was hard I didn't want him to think I was gay so

" yeah I guess I'm still hard from that girl someone won't let me sleep with anyone" I said smiling

" you can do me" he said stepping close to me

" uh I don't kno-" I started as he pushed his lips to mine and pulled us underneath the water. Are body's up against each other was so hot I was getting harder every second. I soon forced my tongue in his mouth but he didn't mind are tongues were rolling and curling in sink. Why was he so much better then anyone I've ever kissed. I started filling his hands going up and down my body I felt him put his hand my cock. I moaned pushing him away.

" do you want me to suck you" he asked
I looked at him

" only if you want to" I said he smiled and got on his knees he put his hand on me and started to stroke me.

" so what you do with that girl" he said

" we ate dinner and made out in her car" I said moaning
He stopped stroking

"so why were you waiting for a Uber" he said looking at me

"Because she left me when I told her I wasn't going to sleep with her" I said grabbing his hand moving it so he was stroking me

" thank you" he said then opened his mouth and put my whole dick in his mouth. It almost made me fall.
He took me out of his mouth

" thank you for not sleeping with her" he said then took me back in his mouth going up and down. Sucking so hard that I swear he wanted to eat me. I put my hand in his hair pushing his head all the way down. He started moaning. As I thrusted my hips making me go in and out of his mouth. He started stroking himself. Which made me more turned on I start fucking his mouth so hard I was scared I was going to choke him but he moaned enjoying every moment.

" I'm gonna cum" I said pulling out of his mouth but before I could start stroking my self

" I want you to cum in my mouth" he said putting me back in his mouth looking into my eyes I started thrusting back in his mouth when I came he closed his eyes in enjoyment. He swallowed

" you taste so good" he said I push him down so he was laying down on the ground

" what are you doing" he asked as I sat on the ground beside him

" I'm finishing you off" I said and started stroking him hard core. God he was huge when he is hard.
He started moaning I started doing it fast then slow until I knew he was about to cum then I did it so fast the I had to setup. When he cam it went all over my fingers.

" I'm sorry I know that must gross you out here I'll wash you hand" he said trying to take my hand

" can I taste it" I said looking into his eyes

" I-if you want to" he said blushing I looked at my hand started to lick the cum off. Oh god it tasted so good. Why does it taste so good why do I want to taste his...But I wasn't going to let him know that

" dude that is gross" I said laughing he just smiled.

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