Sonamy Story - Chapter 1

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" SONIKKUU!!!" said a pink hedgehog, Sonic was trying his best to run from her. "Please I don't want a death hug from you again Amy!" Sonic shouted while running.
Amy then tried jumping at him, but he was to fast and Amy fell to the ground. Amy sat on her knees, and looked to see if Sonic had stopped to see if she was alright, but he was no where in sight.
"Sonic...Help me Please.." Amy started crying silently.


Meanwhile Sonic arrived at Tails' workshop, "Heyy Buddy!" Sonic said as he sat down. Tails popped his head up from his desk he was working at. " Oh! Heyy Sonic!" Tails smiled, "What have you been up to today ?" Sonic smiled, "Just the usual Amy chasing me," Tails looked at Sonic surprised. "She is still chasing you..?" Sonic looked at him confused, "When have you never known Amy not to chase me ?" Tails giggled and scrated the back of his head, "yeah your right "
"Well gotta run cya!" Tails waved to him, "Bye Sonic!" Sonic then ran off.

In 5 seconds, Sonic arrived at a park. He walked over to the trees, he sat by a tree.
Sonics ears stuck up when he heard someone, Sonic looked infront of him. He noticed someone sat on the swing, swinging back and forth.
Sonic then knew who it was, "Amy.."

Amy looked at the ground while swinging on the swing, 'If he doesnt like me then why won't he tell me...' Amy noticed wet drop land on her hand, she put her hand to her face. Amy noticed at that moment she was crying again.
Amys eyes widened as more tears fell from her, Amy stood up off the swing. She gritted her teeth, she fell to her knees. Sonic quickly stood up and as she fell to her knees, he ran over to her. "Amy what's wrong ??" Amy turned and seen Sonic, "S...Sonic.."Amy smiled and quickly whipped her tears away, "Nothing..." Sonic noticed that she was lieing, Amy was about to walk away.

Sonic grabbed her shoulders before she could walk away from, Amy was shocked that he was stopping her from leaving. "Amy I know your lieing..." Amy looked down. "It doesn't matter..." Sonic looked her straight in the eyes, "If it's making you upset I want to know!" Amy looked at Sonic shocked, but blushing slightly.
"Sonic I...I can't!!" Amy shouted slightly in embarrassment. She ran away from Sonic, Sonic watched Amy run off, "Amy..what are you hiding from me..."


Amy ran into her house, well what was left of it. Amy grabbed her suitcase and walked out the door.
Sonic was in his house sat on the sofa, 'whats wrong with Amy..'
Sonic then lay back and fell asleep.
It was now 8:00pm, Amy was walking around the streets. Amy was walking past Sonics house, she walked up to his door. She was going to knock on his door, but didnt want to annoy him. Amy went sat against a tree, which was in Sonics garden.
"I guess I will have to just sleep here..." Amy leaned her head back and looked up at the stars. "I never expected this..." Amy then fell asleep.

1 hour later Sonic woke up, he went into his kitchen. He got a glass of water, it was gone in seconds. He looked out the window, his eyes widened in shock, he dropped the glass and it smashed across the floor.
He opened his door, "AMY!" Sonic ran over to her, "Amy...AMY..are you ok ?" he shook her. Sonic noticed her suitcase, Amy then woke up and rubbed her eyes.
"Sonic!?" Amy got a fright when she seen Sonic right infront of her, "Amy what are you doing out here, are you leaving or something...?" Sonic asked her in quite a worried and concerened tone.
Amy looked down, "thats if I even have a palce to stay..." Amy said quietly, but Sonic heard what she said.
"What ?" Amy looked at Sonic, and handed him a letter. Sonic took it and read it. "Amy your house was taken from you ?" Amy nodded, Sonic looked at her in shock.

"Where were you planning on sleeping or even staying ?" Amy looked down at the ground, "I was planning on staying here for the night..." Sonic grabbed her hand, he stood up and pulled Amy up with him.
"Would you like to stay with me ?" Sonic asked, Amy stared at him for a second. She looked at the ground again, "You don't have to..." Sonic lifted Amys chin, with his hand, "Please I want to help you ?" Amy blushed lightly, but smiled and nodded. Sonic smiled, Amy then hugged him, her eyes were teary. "Thank You Soniku....Really Thank You Very Much!" Amy started crying silently, Sonic closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her. Sonic suddenly blushed lightly, he then felt something warm in his heart, something he has never experienced before.

'What is this feeling..' Sonic let go of Amy and grabbed her suitcase, they walked in the house, their house but for how long ?

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