SonAmy Story 3 Ch.5

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Chapter 5: First visitAmys eyes were still widened, "S-Sonia...Manic..." Sonia smiled, "Heyy are you..." Amy was going to close the door, "W-Why are you here!" Manic put his foot to the door, "Amy we are just here to see our niece..." Sonia nodded, "Yeah..."Amy opened the door, and peeked through the gap in the door, "Then...your not here to take Shori away..." Sonia looked at her kind of hurt, "Ofcourse not...I know what it's like to be away from a Mother...and I would never do that to my own niece..."Shoris eyes slwoly opened, she rubbed her eyes and sat up, she heard voices at the door and walked over to the bedroom door. She peeked around the door, and seen two hedgehog, one of them was green, and the other was pink. Shori felt like she had a connection to them but, she shook away the feeling. Sonia and Manic walked in, Amy closed the door, Sonia looked at Amy, "Can we see her..." Amy looked at the bedroom door, and seen Shori peeking through the door. Amy smiled, "Shori...will you come over here..." Shori noticed that her mother seen her, she gasped and hid behind the door. Sonia and Manic looked at the door, Amy still smiled. "Shori...It's ok...come on out..." Shori was always a shy person towards new people, but she built up her courage and opened the door again, she walked out the bedroom. Shori ran over to Amy, she hid behind Amys legs, Amy laughed slightly. "Shori its ok they are your family..." Shori looked at her mom in disbelief, Amy looked at Sonia and Manic, "This is your auntie Sonia and Uncle Manic...they're your Daddys brother and sister..." Shori looked at Sonia and Manic, "Auntie and...Uncle..." Shori smiled. Sonia sat on her knees, smiling, "Hello Shori...this is the first time we have met..." Shori smiled and nodded, Manic kneeled down and ruffled Shoris short quills. "Nice to finally meet you Shori!" Shori looked up at Manic, somehow when he was smiling at her, she could see picture her dad. Shori nodded, "Yes! Uncle Manic!" Amy smiled, as Shori got along with her Uncle and Auntie. Sonia stood up, "Shori would you like to go to the park!?" Shori looked at her, "I don't want to go without Mommy..." Amy looked down at Shori, "It's fine Shori-" Shori took hold of Amys hand, Sonia smiled at Amy, "Come on Amy. It will be fun!" Amy giggled, "Ok."Shori smiled, Amy grabbed Shoris coat, and zipped it up, she put Shoris, scarf, earmuffs and mittens on her. Amy put on her coat, Manic turned around, "You guys go to the park...I need to see Sonic..." Amy looked at him shocked, "Manic!" Manic turned around and looked at Amy, Amy looked at him with desperate eyes, "Please Don't tell him where me and Shori are...I'm not ready to see him yet!..." Manic sighed, "Think about he feels..." Amy looked down sad, Shori took hold of Amys hand, Amy looked at Manic again, "Please Manic!" Manic nodded, "Ok..." he walked away. Sonia looked at Amy and Shori, "Are we ready?" Shori gave Sonia a thumbs up, "Yes!" Sonia giggled, "Ok! Lets go!" Amy and Shori nodded, they walked out the door, Amy closed the door behind her. - - - Manic was walking down the street, when he finally reached his brothers house, he walked closer to the house, he seen his brother sat on his door step. Manic stood infront of him, "Heyy Bro." Sonic looked up and seen Manic, "Hey...Manic..." Manic sat next Sonic. "How you doing..." Sonic stared at the small teddy bear in his hands, "I feel so lonely...without them..." Manic nodded, "Why did she leave anyway..." Sonic felt his guilt return to his heart, he hid his face ashamed, "because...I slept with Sally..." Manic looked at Sonic shocked, "You cheated on her!" Sonic stood up and walked a couple steps away, "Yes!...and I'm not proud of it...I regret it so much! I just want them back!" Manic stood up, "well now I understand why she doesn't want to see you anymore..." Sonics eyes widened in shock, "You saw her! When!?" Sonic grabbed Manic, "I saw her earlier-" Sonic gritted his teeth in anger, "Where is she!?" Manic pushed Sonic back slightly, "I can't tell you Bro..." Sonic stared at him, "Why not!?" Manic crossed his arms, "She doesn't want to see you yet..." Sonic looked at him, "Yet? mean she will come and see me at some point..." Manic shrugged, "I don't know...maybe..." Sonic looked at Manic with sad eyes, "Manic I need to see her, she has my Daughter!" Manic shook his head, "I'm not going to tell you...she will come and see you when she is ready..." Sonic sighed, "Is she still in the city...can you atleast tell me that..." Manic scratched his head, "Yeah...she is...still in the city..." Sonic smiled alittle, "That's good..." Manic smiled, "Sonia is with them...right now..." Sonic looked at Manic, "Really..." Manic nodded, "Yeah...she wanted to spend time with Shori...her niece she never knew about..." Sonic scratched his head slightly, "Yeah sorry about that..." Manic laughed, "It's ok...Im just glad I met her...she looks just like Amy." Sonic smiled and nodded, "Yeah she does..." Manic looked at Sonic, "I noticed that she doesn't have your speed..." Sonic thought for a moment, "Yeah your right..." Manic looked at him confused, "Then what does she have that's yours too..." Sonic shrugged, "I don't know..." Manic shrugged too, "Well I'm going to go and see Knuckles cya!" Sonic nodded, Cya!" Sonic looked up at the sky, "Well I guys I will go for a run..." Sonic then ran off at Super Speed, '...I need to See you Amy...I just have to...'

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