SonAmy Story 2 Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Mommy*Flash Back* Shori was laying on her bed, she closed her eyes. 'why does Daddy not want me...' Shori opened her eyes and noticed she was in nothing but blackness. She stood up and looked around, "where am I..." Shori heard a dark voice, "so your Shori..." Shori looked around, and seen a shadow, "Yes my name is Shori..." she smiled, "what is your name?" The shadow looked at Shori, "my Mephiles..." Shori smiled, "nice to meet you...why are you here in my dream?" Mephiles smiled, "I'm here to take away all of your problems..." Shori looked at him confused, "my...problems?" Mephiles nodded, "yes...problems that you have with your self or...others like your parents..." Shori looked down, Mephiles appeared behind Shori, "tell me what bothers you Shori..."Shori looked straight forward, "my mommy and daddy were daddy said that he...didn't want me..." Shoris eyes filled with tears. Shori fell to her knees, "all I want is for someone to accept me..." Shori started crying out loud, Mephiles went down on one knee and held his hand out to Shori. "Shori...your one special little have something no one else has...and that's power...I can give you that." Shori looked up at Mephiles, "really..." Mephiles smiled a nice fake smile. "Let me help you...I will always accept." Shori took hold of his hand, "Ok. Thank You Mephiles." *End of Flash Back*- - -Amy looked at him shocked, "but why did you...come to me...and warned me about what was going to happen to Shori..." Mephiles laughed slightly, "I only told you to make it abit more watch you suffer as your daughters condition got worse..." Amy closed her eyes, " thought it was funny to watch her suffer!!" Mephiles looked at Amy, "Her suffering would have come eventually...but I thought now was a good time..." Sonic growled at Mephiles, "Mephiles get rid of the demons!!" Mephiles started laughing, "I can' wasn't me who brought them here..." Everyone looked at Mephiles confused, "If it wasn't you then who-..." Sonic turned around, he seen the demons laying on the ground next to Shori. Shori stroked them, she blinked revealing her demon eyes again, she giggled. Amy turned around, she walked over to Shori, the demons started growling Amy stopped walking. "Shori please get away from them...they're very dangerous!" Shori smiled, "Don't worry Mommy...they're my friends!" Shori smiled. Amys eyes widened, she closed her eyes walked over to Mephiles, "change her back!! Now!!" Mephiles pushed Amy, Sonic caught Amy before she could hit the ground. "I can't! It was you and Sonic who did this to her!" Sonic growled angry at Mephiles, Amy looked over at Shori with sad eyes. "Shori...Im sorry..." Amy stood up, so did Sonic, fists up ready to fight. Everyone else nodded, they got into fighting stances. Amy ran over to Mephiles, she threw punches at him, Mephiles dodged them. Shori looked at Amy shocked, she seen her mom hitting the one person who wanted to accept her, Shori gritted her teeth in anger, "Stop it!!!"Amy stopped and looked back at Shori, "Shor-" Mephiles grabbed Amy by the throat. Amy tried pulling his hand away, Rouge and Shadow were going to help, the three demons ran towards everyone, Sonic grew more angry. He looked back at Shori, "Shori please stop this! your letting him hurt Mommy!!" Sonic was soon ready to burst into tears. Shori noticed how sad Sonic was, she looked at Amy. Amy was soon to be unconcious, Shoris eyes widened as she seen Amy smiling as a single tear fell from her eye, and mouthing the words 'don't worry'.Sonic couldn't take it anymore, he jumped up and speed dashed at Mephiles. Mephiles let go of Amy, and jumped back. Sonic caught Amy, Amy eyes were half closed. Sonic looked down at her worried, he gritted his teeth in anger, he sat Amy down on the ground. He stood up and ran over to Mephiles in anger, Knuckles, Tikal and Blaze were fighting one of the demons, Shadow, Rouge and Silver fought the other one. Tails and Cream were in the X-Tornado shooting the third Demon. The demons were strong, they hit everyone with their claws, and shot dark magic from its mouth.Rouge and Blaze got hit into a wall, Shadow speed dashed at it, it did no damage, Knuckles tried punching them. It had no effect, Silver tried everything he could, Amy opened her eyes, she seen all her friends suffering. Amy turned her head and looked at Shori, Amy still felt weak. She moved her hand towards Shori, while smiling, her hand fell to the ground. Shoris eyes widened, she remembered all the times her mom was there for her, when her dad wasn't. Shori stood up and ran over to Amy, she fell to her knees. "Mommy...Mommy! I didn't mean it!" Amy stroked Shoris quills slowly, "It's ok...I still love you no matter what you do to me..." Shori smiled, she stood up, she noticed the demons attacking her moms friends and her dad. Shori was shocked that she was the one who brought the demons here, she closed her eyes tightly, "Stop!!!!" The demons froze, she turned to dark smoke and disappeared, tears were flowing from Shoris eyes, Mephiles stopped what he was doing and looked at Shori, "what are you doing!?" Shori looked at Mephiles, "I hurt Mommy! I don't want to hurt people! Please Stop!!!" Mephiles eyes widened, he was then hit to the ground, Sonic held Mephiles arms and pinned him to the ground, stomach first. Shori looked up at Sonic shocked, Mephiles smiled at Shori, "I will be back..." Mephiles disapeared into black smoke, Sonic was shocked.As soon as Mephiles disappeared, Shoris head started hurting. She screamed, Shori started to feel faint. She slowly fell back, into Amys arms, Amy held Shori close, while breathing heavily, Amy knew that she couldn't protect her daughter from Mephiles, she couldn't even protect herself. There was only one thing Amy could think of...

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