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I had just stepped out of the airport and caught a cab to my Father's house after I received news that he needed help with Natia, my baby sister. She was twenty six years old and out of control, so here I was on my way to help out my dad with her, I'm assuming he needed me to talk some since in her but it wasn't like that when I finally arrived to his home.

Joseph: hey dad! Are you here?

I didn't get a response from him so I looked around and seen him sitting outside talking with her, I opened the door and walked up behind him than sat down in a chair next to him...

Sika: oh good you're here finally.

Joseph: yeah I just got here actually so...what is the problem dad?

Sika: no problem I spoken with your sister and was telling her that she will be living with you from now on...

Joseph: okay so when this happen?

Sika: it starts when you have to go home son.

I watched as she stood up and walked inside the house and closed the door before she disappeared inside...

Sika: I know its alot to take in some but she refuses to listen to me so I was hoping being with you would help her grow up.

Joseph: I know you want what's best for your children but I won't have time to watch her like you do father since I'm on the road all the time but...

Sika: I know about you traveling alot Joseph but she needs to learn how to take responsibility some point in her life and I spoke with Stephanie, she agreed to let Natia start traveling with you once you got back to work.

Joseph: okay dad, I will find something for her to do while she is with me and since we are talking about her coming with me, someone should get her to pack because much as I would love to stay and visit with the rest of the family I have to leave tomorrow.

Sika: don't worry son, I didn't tell anyone that you were coming. I'm just glad you are taking her with you.

Joseph: what exactly did she do?

Sika: she thought she would sneak out of here and break into the school with this guy she has been hanging out with, they both painted the gym with spray paint and I'm expected to fix the problem because of them both

Joseph: okay, don't worry about her because she will be different when you see her again...and if not well I will pay for her to go to an all girls college, ive heard the turn troubled young women into independent women or whatever it is they do at that place...

Sika: I sure hope it doesn't come down to that but do what you must Joseph...

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