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Six months since I arrived to my brother's house and we have gotten closer, the problem I had with him went away after we talked about him not being around like he wanted to. I had started traveling with him, Jon, and Colby when they went to live shows which was awesome cause I didn't want to be stuck at home alone.

I watched as my brother brought his bags from his room and left them at the door while he waited for Jon to pick him up, he told me that he text Colby and that I would be riding with him to the arena which was four hours from here...after Joseph left with Jonathan it didn't take long for Colby to pull up in the drivewayand I climbed in the seat next to him afyer I put my bags in the back seat...

Colby: I hope you packed enough clothes for yourself cause you won't see this place for awhile...

Natia: how long are we gonna be away from home?

Colby: a few weeks or more...

Natia: I've got enough clothes packed...

He smiled at me before he started driving as I slowly put the seatbelt on, I told myself that I would never date a family members friend but Colby was adorable and I definitely had a crush on him but I was never going to tell him that because he probably had a girlfriend that he never talked about.

Natia: so Colby since we are going to be in the same vehicle for the next four hours how about we get to know each other.

Colby: what do you wanna know about me?

Natia: whatever you feel comfortable telling me, I'm not gonna pressure you.

Colby: well I was born in Iowa, I'm twenty eight years old, I have a yorkie named Kevin, I am single and looking to mingle...your turn Natia, I've been meaning to ask but how do you pronounce your name?

Natia: don't worry you said my name right. I was born in Samoa, I'm twenty six years old, I don't have any pets and I'm single and ready to mingle but my father will probably find someone suitable for me...

Colby: that must be difficult to do.

Natia: what is?

Colby: being with someone your father chooses to date, I mean I understand he wants what is best for you but I could never be with someone that my parent's choose for me.

Natia: so what is your idea of a great girlfriend?

Colby: she has to be sweet, funny, definitely down to earth and someone my mom and stepdad approve of. I can't be with someone that is gonna start problems with my mother or step dad you know?

Natia: that's understandable, I wouldn't want that for you either.

Colby: thanks for agreeing with me.

Natia: you are very welcome Colby and for what it's worth you will make a great boyfriend for some lucky girl.

Colby: that is sweet of you to say...

We met up with Jon and Joe at a restaurant after driving for an hour.

Joseph: I hope you were nice to each h other...

Colby: aw come on man, when have you known me to be mean to a female?

Natia: don't worry Joe he was a total sweetheart the entire time...

Joseph: that's good and what about you?

Colby: your sister is a sweetheart Joe.

I looked down at my feet and blushed when he said that, his cuteness wouldn't go away and it made me crush that much more on him...

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