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I walked downstairs and called Joe to let him know that his sister was in my hotel room just in case he was looking for her. A few minutes passed and he finally showed up to my hotel room. I opened the door and let him in than watched as he walked over to her and began talking to her in their language.

(Joseph and Natia's conversation)

Joseph: what were you thinking Natia?

Natia: I wanna go home Joe...

Joseph: this is your home now Natia and you're lucky Colby found you before someone else did.

Natia: why do you care?

Joseph: because you're my sister and I don't want anything to happen to you.

Natia: I can take care of myself, I'm so tired of everyone treating me like a child.

Joseph: well maybe you should stop acting like one Natia, you're twenty three years old for crying out loud.

(End of conversation)

Colby: okay I have no idea what you two just said but it sounded like you both were arguing so Joe if you don't mind I would like to get some sleep after all it is one in the morning...

Joseph: yeah, look man I'm sorry if ahe caused you any trouble...

Colby: she wasn't any trouble Joe...

Joseph: thanks for calling me Colby, see you later man, have a good night.

Colby: sure think, good night you two.

I watched as Joe grabbed her bag as they both headed out of my hotel room and back to his house...

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