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It has been a month since I spoken to the guys since Colby's character turned on us and joined the authority but it was for the best so he could finally compete alone, I was happy for him. I seen him and Natia walking into his new locker room while I was talking to Joe about the new storyline.

Jonathan: this new change is going to be so hard...

Joseph: yeah I know but it's for the best and besides I'm proud of Colby he has come a long way since we decided to allow him to join our team...

Jonathan: I'm proud of him too and I noticed that your sister has been tagging along with him, is there something going on between them?

Joseph: I'm going to let her be the one to tell you that.

Jonathan: oh its like that now?

Joseph: no I just think she should tell you herself Jon...

Jonathan: well whatever is going they make a great couple.

Joseph: they really do don't they?

Jonathan: yeah, I will see you later I've gotta go get ready Joe

Joseph: see you later Jon...

I walked away from him so I could catch up to Renee and talk with her.

Jonathan: hey Renee

Renee: oh hey Jonathan. how it going?

Jonathan: good actually, I was wondering if you weren't busy me and you go get dinner tonight...

Renee: oh I actually made plans with the girls tonight but maybe we could tomorrow night if you're still interested.

Jonathan: tomorrow night will be fine.

Renee: great its a date than, see you tomorrow Jonathan...

I walked away from her and headed to my locker room so I could get ready. I had a match with fandango which I wasn't looking forward to, after the match was over I walked back to my locker room and bumped into Natia after I come out of there.

Jonathan: oh I'm sorry Nat, I didn't know you were still back here...

Natia: its okay Jon, I didn't realize I was so close to the door...

Jonathan: so I noticed that you and Colby are becoming quite the pair, is there something going on between you two?

Natia: yeah actually we are dating but don't tell anyone here please, I don't want everyone knowing about it.

Jonathan: don't worry Nat, I won't tell anyone about it and I will talk to you later have a good night...

Natia: okay Jon, have a good night.

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