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After we left the restaurant me and Natia got back in my vehicle and finished heading towards the arena which would take another three hours before we got to our destination, I turned the radio on to fill the silence and I heard her singing along to the song that was playing.

Colby: you have an amazing voice, have you tried making it big as a singer?

Natia: thanks but I don't know if my family would support my dream or not, all they know is wrestling considering its been a family thing as long as I remember...

Colby: aw come on, I'm sure they will support whatever career you choose.

Natia: I wish it was that easy but you don't know how my family is...

Colby: well whatever you decide to do you have a supportive friend here.

Natia: that means alot coming from you Colby, thank you!

I was about to look over at her when I felt her kiss me on my cheek than sat back down in the seat and change the song. I couldn't bring myself to tell her  that I had a crush on her until I knew that the time would be right, I had to come up with a plan to get her alone that way I could tell her how I felt even though I was scared that she would never the feeling the same way.

Natia: not rushing but how much longer before we get there?

Colby: we are here actually, look before you head to where your brother is I need to tell you something Natia.

Natia: I'm sorry Colby but I really need to go to the little girls room but we can talk later if you want...

Colby: of course we can Natia, I will see you later and we can talk than...

I watched as she got out of the truck and grabbed her bags before she headed inside the arena with Joseph following close behind her while I slowly walked inside after I grabbed my bags from the truck than locking it.

Jonathan: you look down, are you okay?

Colby: yeah I'm okay, I just feel differently about someone I met and having a hard time telling her how I feel.

Jonathan: I've never known you to be nervous about a female, she must mean alot to you Colby but you should tell her before someone else beats you too it...

Colby: I will as soon I get a chance to.

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