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After the show was I headed to the hotel alone and beat myself up for having to turn my back on Jon and Joe even though I knew I was playing a part it felt like I had betrayed them as my friends too, I got a hot shower before I headed out to get me a bite to eat, I got dressed and headed out of my room after I grabbed the room key then headed down to the lobby. I seen Natia standing outside talking to Jonathan about something when they seen me and she immediately walked over to me and I couldn't get away from her fast enough before she called my name...

Natia: hey Colby, are heading somewhere?

Colby: yeah I was going to get a bite to eat, do you wanna come with me?

Natia: oh no, I don't want to cause problems between you and well...

Colby: I would really like it if you joined me, I still need to talk to you about what I wanted to earlier...

Natia: of course, give me a few minutes and I will meet you back here.

Colby: okay but make it quick Natia.

I seen her walk towards the elevator and watched as she stepped inside as the doors closed quickly. I waited outside for her and seen Joe getting out of the vehicle he had rented for him and Jon...

Joseph: what are you doing Colby?

Colby: waiting for your sister, we are going to go get something to eat...

Joseph: okay, I still need you to keep an eye on her for me unless its going to be a problem...

Colby: it's not going to be a problem, I don't mind keeping an eye on her...

He pasted me on the shoulder before walking inside and walked by his sister as she walked towards me...

Natia: sorry it took me so long, are you ready to go Colby?

Colby: yeah come on...

We walked toward the vehicle That rented and opened the door for her and watched as she climbed inside before closing the door and getting inside next to her...the closest place to eat was an hour away but it had great food and it would give me enough time to get alone time with her too.

Natia: so you wanted to talk to me about something, what is on your mind?

Colby: well there is this girl that I'm interested in and I was hoping you could give me some advice on how to win her heart, I've done things in the past that I'm not proud of that I will never do again because I don't want to lose her, I love her very much...

Natia: well I think you should just tell her how you truly feel about her and as for what you did in the past that can't be changed but if she cares about you just as much as you care for her well your past will not matter to her.

Colby: so just come out and say 'I love you'

Natia: yes just like that...

Colby: I love you...

Natia: I think you should wait until you are around here before saying it.

Colby: but I just told her...

Natia: wait, you meant me?

Colby: well yeah Natia, I've had a crush on you for a few months now.

Natia: well this is awkward...

Colby: I knew that I would make things weird...I better take you back to the hotel...

Natia: no please don't do that Colby, because the truth is I have feelings for you too, I wanted to say something sooner but that was before I knew you had feelings for me as well...we should try again Colby if you want to...

Colby: sure let's do that...

Natia: I love you Colby Lopez.

Colby: I love you too Natia Anoa'i.

I pulled her closer to me and gave her a kiss on her lips before we went inside to eat something that way her brother wouldn't get suspicious of us.

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