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It has been a week since Colby and myself have seen each other, I was sitting in the hotel room looking through my twitter when my phone started ringing, it was a face time request from Colby which I quickly accepted it.

Natia: hey baby

Colby: hey there you are, how did everything go? Do we need to celebrate or not?

Natia: well it depends...

Colby: depends on what?

Natia: on the location...

Colby: you pick the place, so did you get it or not?

Natia: well I got good news and bad news

Colby: tell me the bad news first

Natia: the bad news is that I don't know when you will get to see me again...

Colby: and the good news?

Natia: I got a music contract...

Colby: I'm so happy for you baby!

Natia: so how are things on your end?

Colby: everything is great, we all miss you and...

I heard someone talking to him than see Jon and Joe walk up behind him.

Colby: sorry about that, but we all miss you and can't wait to see you again.

Jonathan: yeah we really miss you kid, come home soon!

Natia: I will try Jon but no promises.

Joseph: you look tired Natia have you not been sleeping like you should?

Natia: yes I'm tired but its not because I can't get sleep its because of the fact that a few construction workers like to work late at night and it is very loud...

Colby: I will let you go so you can get some rest sweetheart, I love and miss you.

Natia: I love and miss you too baby.

He hung up the phone without saying another word, I was about to try to get some rest when I heard a knock on the door so I got out of bed and opened the door but nobody was there but I seen a bundle of roses on the floor so I picked them up and seen a note on them.

I know we don't see each other much anymore but I am always thinking about you Natia and my heart belongs to you, I love you forever... Xoxo Colby

I smiled after I read the note and shut the door before I got back in bed and got some sleep

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