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It has been three months since the night Colby kissed me and he asked me to be his girlfriend which I said yes. I was on the way back to where my father lived along with Joseph, my father had something important we wanted to discuss with us and so here we were sitying on a plane back home.

Natia: I've forgotten how much I hate being on a plane...

Joseph: we don't have much longer Natia so relax...

Natia: what do you think he wants that is so important that he couldn't say over the phone?

Joseph: no idea but he sounded happy.

Natia: can I ask you something Joe?

Joseph: sure, what is it?

Natia: if I was to date someone dad didn't approve of, do you think him and the rest of the family disown me?

Joseph: well you know about the family tradition Natia, dad doesn't want us dating non samoan people but if this guy makes you happy than that is all that should matter, I would never disown you Natia even if they do...

Natia: I'm glad you said that Joe cause I am scared that they won't accept him let alone treat him like family...

The plane finally touched down and we got off the plane and seen dad standing inside the building waiting for us...

Sika: Natia, Joseph...welcome home

Joseph: thanks dad, so what is so important that couldn't wait?

Sika: well it has to do with Natia mostly but I didn't want her coming alone...

Natia: what is it?

Sika: you will see soon

After we arrived to his house I seen three people that I didn't recognize.

Natia: um dad who is this?

Sika: this is a family that just moved here from the neighboring island, they have a son that is twenty eight years old and we have agreed to let you and him meet...

Natia: you did?

Sika: yes he is out back waiting for you Natia, his name is Eli. Go talk to him.

I looked at Joe and seen him nod his head in approval so I walked out back and seen him sitting in a chair while he played a guitar

Natia: hello, you must be Eli? I'm Natia

Eli: yeah you would be correct, it is nice meeting you Natia and I must say you are even more beautiful in person.

Natia: well thank you Eli, that is sweet.

I seen my brother come outside and sit down in a chair that was close to the door, I looked at him and noticed that he didn't look pleased with Eli but I could only guess it was because he didn't know him like he did Jon and Colby...

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