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I walked to my locker room and got ready for my match against Joe, I just hoped he was over whatever was bugging him. I had just finished putting on my gear when I heard on the door...

Colby: it's open...

I turned and seen Joe open the door and sat down on the bench in front of the locker and looked up at me...

Colby: if you come here to give me a lecture again I suggest you wait until later...

Joseph: no actually I come to apologize for the way I acted earlier. I know you only want Natia to be happy and I should respect that, I just don't want her making the same mistakes she did before she met you Colby

Colby: I don't think she is going to do that again and who's to say she did the first time, you said she went with that boy to the spot it happened? How do you if he did it and put the blame on her to keep himself out of trouble?

Joseph: I guess I have never thought of it like that, you are right Colby....

Colby: come on, we should get ready for our match....

Joseph: alright come on Colby...

After the match was over I left the arena and went to the hotel so I could relax but not before I talked to Natia, I picked my phone up and started a video chat with her but she didn't answer so I guessed she was busy so I got a hot shower before I went to sleep.

*the next morning*

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door, I got out of bed and opened it...

Jonathan: didn't mean to wake you but Joe has a surprise for you and he told me to come let you know that he wanted you to go to his room after you got dressed...

Colby: okay I will be there in a few...

I took my time getting dressed before I walked with Jon to the room Joe was staying in and knocked on the door and seen him walk out and made Jon put a blindfold over my face before he helped me walk into the room, after he told me to stop I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist and someone laying their head on my chest...I felt the blindfold come off my eyes and seen Natia standing in front of me.

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