twenty two

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After the ceremony was over and everyone stood around talking, Colby and me left when nobody was looking.

Colby: are you nervous?

Natia: yeah just a little, what about you?

Colby: yeah but its worth it....

Natia: I agree

We finally arrived to a place that married people as we headed inside and exchanged our wedding vows, I watched as he gently slid the wedding ring on my finger and I did the same before the person marrying us told Colby to kiss his bride which he did and the guy made us sign the marriage certificate along with him before he made a copy for us and gave it to us before we headed back to the hotel.

Natia: I can't believe we are finally married

Colby: well believe it Mrs. Lopez because we are.

Natia: I feel like the happiest woman in the world right now...

Colby: let's get ready for bed baby, I know you are tired...

Natia: you're right, I'm going to get out of this dress and put on something more comfortable, don't go to sleep without me.

Colby: I won't

I walked in the bathroom and took my dress off when I remembered that I left my bag in my brother's room so I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom to grab one of Colby's shirts and put it on before I climbed into bed next to him.

Colby: is that my shirt?

Natia: yes, Ieft my clothes in Joe's room and I'm not going to bother him just in case his girl is still with him...

Colby: we will get your bags from his room later, you get some rest sweetie.

Natia: good night Colby, I love you.

Colby: I love you too sweetheart, good night.

Colby: I love you too sweetheart, good night

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