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We was finally back home and back on the road again, I was riding to California with Natia by my side while Jon and Joe was following behind me. I focused in the road while she sung along to the radio, she had an amazing singing voice and I wish she would make a career with it...

Colby: I wish you would be a singer, you have an amazing voice baby...

Natia: you really think so?

Colby: yeah and talent like that should be heard...

Natia: and what if I don't make it?

Colby: well nobody can say you didn't try. I believe in you sweetheart...

Natia: thank you baby and I will do it, I just need help with everything first.

Colby: don't worry about that, I know a guy that works in the music industry and I will call him as soon as we get to the hotel later on tonight...

Natia: aww thanks baby, you're the best and I love you so much Colby...

Colby: I would do anything to you make you happy and I love you too Natia...

*seven hours later*

We finally arrived at the hotel and headed inside to get us both a room of our own, I wanted to share a room with her but her brother and father insisted that I wait until me and her was married before we slept in the same bed together which I decided to respect their wishes...


I walked up to my room and quickly shut the door before I quickly got in the bed and began fantasizing about what it would be like having sex with Colby while I played with myself which it didn't take long for me to climax, I got back out of bed and got something out for me to wear and got a shower. I was about to get back into bed and watch a movie when I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and seen Colby standing there leaning against the wall when he slowly looked up at me....

 I was about to get back into bed and watch a movie when I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and seen Colby standing there leaning against the wall when he slowly looked up at me

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I noticed he looked a little upset and it had me worried that something was wrong...

Natia: what's the matter baby, can't sleep?

Colby: no it isn't that, I was hoping we could talk before we went to sleep...

Natia: of course...

I moved out of the way and watched as he walked into the room and I closed the door behind him...

Colby: this is a nice room...

Natia: what's on your mind my love?

Colby: well a lot is really but what I need to know is how you feel about marriage...would it be too soon for you if someone was to ask you say a week from today?

Natia: truth be told I haven't given it much thought, I mean sure I would love the idea of being someone's wife but once it has happened I will be with that person until one of us pass away

Colby: I would love to wake up every day to that special someone....

I watched as he pulled out a small box from his pocket and opened it than looked down at the ring while the glare from the light hit the diamond just right and made it shine bright...

Natia: that is a beautiful ring Colby.

Colby: not as beautiful as the person who will be wearing it everyday for the rest of her life...

Natia: this girl really means a lot to you doesn't she?

Colby: yeah she does and there isn't a thing that I wouldn't do for her...

Natia: you should marry her before something happens to her, who knows she could try becoming a singer and there will be no telling when you see her again...

Colby: you are right Natia...

I turned around and walked to the window and looked outside while I felt the tears run down my face while I quietly sobbed where he couldn't hear...truth was I was scared of getting married mostly because I thought that he wouldn't want me anymore after being together for a certain amount time and I didn't want that. I wiped the tears from my face and turned around and seen him already down on one knee while Jon and Joe was standing by the door...

Colby: I fell in love with you since the first day we met and nothing would make me any happier than waking up to you next to me everyday for the rest of my life...will you marry me Natia?

Natia: Yes!

He stood up and walked over to me and pushed the ring onto my ring finger and gave me a kiss and heard the other two clapping...

Natia: I love you so much Colby.

Colby: I love you too sweetheart.

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