twenty one

38 10 0


After me and Natia finished shopping for something to wear at the ceremony tonight, we met up with a few other people along with reporters from all over the country as they were curious about my relationship with Natia which I answered honestly because everyone including my fans deserved to know that I was happy with her and decided to tell them that I was engaged to be married, we haven't decided on a date to exchange our wedding vows let alone the fact that she hasn't even met my mother yet and met up with Joe and Jon after we headed inside to find our seats.

Colby: are you okay Natia? You haven't said much since we got here.

Natia: yeah I'm okay...

Colby: you know you can tell me if something is bothering you baby...

Natia: I promise that I'm okay Colby, I'm just tired that's all. The flight here was long and almost missed it...

Colby: we could cuddle once we get back to the hotel, I don't have to be at the arena to wrestle so I figured we could go visit my mom and after that we can do whatever you want...

Natia: speaking of your mother, have you told her that you're engaged yet?

Colby: no I was waiting to tell her in person and I know we haven't had a chance to decide on a date but we will do that soon I promise sweetheart.

Natia: I know you have a busy schedule Colby so don't rush things, we will be married one day

Colby: we could always get married tonight.

Natia: are you sure you want to do that?

Colby: I'm positive, we will go get matried after we leave here...

Natia: okay Colby, I love you.

Colby: I love you too Natia

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