twenty six

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After me and Colby went back to my hometown, we decided to renew our vows that way everything would be okay with my father since he wanted to walk me the isle and give me away then we had went on our honeymoon which was in Paris, it was a romantic month and I enjoyed everything second we spent together, he went back to work as soon as we returned to the United States and I stayed home while he was on the road with my brother and Jonathan, which I was happy to say that Galina and Joe were expecting a baby in a month and so were me and Colby, I had found out last week but haven't told him yet. I wanted it to be a surprise since his birthday was next month and I would be going to meet at the arena that day.

*that day*

I finally showed up at the arena and walked to Joe's locker room while trying to stay hidden from Colby.

Joe: hey Natia, I wasn't expecting you to be here, Colby said you wouldn't be coming to any of the live shows anymore.

Natia: actually Colby is the reason I am here, I want to surprise him...

Joe: well I'm surprised so I know he will be too, what is the surprise about?

Natia: I will tell you but first you have to promise not to say a word to him or Jon.

Joe: I promise not to tell anyone...

Natia: are you in here alone?

I began looking around the locker room making sure there wasn't anyone else in here but both of us than I locked the door so nobody would walk in...

Joe: relax Natia I don't share the locker room with anyone...What did you want to tell me?

Natia: I'm pregnant

Joe: well congrats Natia, I'm happy for you both and don't worry I won't tell anyone here....

Natia: thank you Joe, you're the best big brother ever! So who are you supposed to be wrestling tonight?

Joe: funny you should ask cause it's your husband, he is cashing in his money in the bank contract against me.

Natia: well that sounds a little awkward but I guess it's part of the job.

Joe: it is and don't worry I won't beat him up to bad...

Natia: that's very reassuring and I'm sure he will appreciate that Joe, thanks.

Joe: I better get going but stay here as long as you like and congratulations again on your pregnancy

Natia: thank you Joe

I watched as he left the locker room and I got a text from Colby after I sat down to watch his match...

I wish you were here sweetheart.

I smiled at what he said when I heard the ring announcer say my brother's ring name and watched as he walked to the ring and start fighting his opponent before Colby ran out there and did what Joe said he was going to do and he won the title after he pinned Joe for the three count.

I walked to catering and got something to eat and bumped into him on the way back to Joe's locker room

Colby: hey baby, how long have you been here?

Natia: maybe an hour but I'm not keeping track of time, I come to surprise you

Colby: I certainly am surprised, I thought you was going to stay home

Natia: what kind of wife would I be if I didn't come show my support to you?

Colby: alright point made sweetheart.
You have a lot on your plate, you must be starving?

Natia: I am starving actually, that's why I come here

Colby: you come here to get food? You could have went to a restaurant babe.

Natia: not cause of the food silly, I come here because I have something to tell you and I didn't want to tell you over the phone.

Colby: okay, I'm listening

Natia: well Colby you're going to be a father, I'm pregnant...

Colby: you are? I...well umm, hmm...

Natia: just the reaction I was thinking about...

Colby: I don't know what to say...

Natia: it's okay Colby, just as long as it doesn't change things between us

Colby: this doesn't change the way I feel about you Natia, I will love you until my last breath...

Natia: I will love you until than too Colby.

Colby: come on, let's go tell the world.

Natia: are you sure you want to do that?

Colby: of course I do, now come on...

I felt his his fingers intertwine with mine as we walked down to the ring and was handed a microphone after he helped me in and told the WWE universe the good news and his fans cheered while others were shocked. I stood in front of him and seen him smile at me than gave me a kiss before we went back stage again.

Natia: I can't believe you just did that.

Colby: well believe it sweetheart, I want everyone to know that I'm happy with the woman that I'm with...

Natia: I love you so much Colby.

Colby: I love you too Natia.

Everyone that worked here congratulated us on the pregnancy before we left and headed back to the hotel. I was happy being with Colby and nothing or nobody would ever change the way I feel about him.

 I was happy being with Colby and nothing or nobody would ever change the way I feel about him

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Natia's wedding dress 👆

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